
Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by Willz, Jul 3, 2005.

  1. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    ok, well i thought this is the most logical place to put this, i could not find a internet board, but networking come under internet.

    Has anyone heard of this ONSPEED, its a thing that claims to speed up dial up internet connetions by 5x, so in effect, speeds of 256kb broadband, i think there is a 30 day free trial of it, it costs about £2 somthing a month, and apparently it also can speed broadband internet connections up, i remembers this becouse i seen it on an advert this morning.

    Has anyone tried ONSPEED?, does anyone think it works, has anyone noticed any difference in it?

    ah, its £25 a year, wow that's cheap, but does it work?

  2. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    I was consideirng getting this, but the advertisment in the magazine had a few details that didn't quite add up, namely, from what I intepretted, that it doesn't work in conjunction with a broadband account, and there were a few other details that didn't look too good.

    Seems like a wonderful idea, but I think there is a catch somewhere.
  3. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    yea, on the webiste, it said, it does not physicaly speed up your connection, so it cant exatly download things faster, as say if your going to download a 100mb file, its not going to compress it to like 10mb aint it, so it cant speed up downloads.

    also it only works with internet explorer, it does not work, with aol, or other types of browsers like mozilla firefox, but last time i read about this was about 9 months ago, in a .net magazine, so i could be wrong, and they could of made it compatable with aol, and things like firefox.

    i had a 30 day free trial of it when i was on 56k dial up, and withought it, it would take lets say, about 20 seconds to load this forum, but even with it, it did not make any difference, and i had it set to speed, now i dont know if this was my computer that was stopping it from working, or becouse it was a 30day free trial, but it did not make any difference.

    infact, aol's top speed enhancment on aol browser speeded loading webpages up faster than onspeed, did, so i am wondering if it was becouse it was incompatible with aol, but i used internet explorer more then.
  4. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    There's got to be a catch somewhere as Waffles said, you really can't do much for dial-up. I remember when AOL's little surf 5x faster gimick came up, it's total bull, all they do is implant a big cache in the browser so sites you visit a lot load fast, big deal, firefox has that too. If you can't download any faster than I don't see the point of it, that would be my main concern. Still it's damn cheap:good:
  5. Addis

    Addis The King

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    Its time to move to broadband anyway. Can't wait for VDSL...
  6. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    whats vdsl, in the uk there is, adsl, sdsl, and soonm adsl2.
  7. borecord

    borecord Geek Trainee

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    Talking of moving to broadband, has anyone tried E7EVEN.com, and is it worth signing up for 2 year stint????, will they still be araound then??
  8. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Anyone heard of NetZero? I think it's a very similar idea but just curious.

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