Ok, i'm using a 200 watt power supply, hooked up hard drive and monitor, cpu fan, no on/off switch because i don't have a case. So when i plug in the PSU the cpu fan kicks on, a green LED lights, the HD makes it's booting noise the keyboard lights all flash one time, then nothing. Everything is connected cept for the floppy drive, the cdrom and the on/off switch thing, the display adapter is onboard. here are the specs (you've all heard em a thousand times before) intel 810E chipset... intel celeron 1.2ghz cpu 128mb RAM 200watt PSU i think that i bought this motherboard without a bios or something, thats the only thing i can think of...it boots fine, but i can see nothing on the monitor, i've checked the monitor and everything, no dice. anyone know what i should do here?
quick question..... how are you booting the computer? (are you using a screwdriver by any chance?!? [to short the start pins]) find a case!!!! and plug in everthing..... and turn it on, does it make any "thers a problem here sounds" from the case speaker?
try the ram in the other slot, or try a known working stick of ram a known working video card too, and if you can try a different power supply and CPU.
actually as soon as i plug in the PSU the LED and fan comes on and it sounds like it's doing it's thing...but nothing shows on screen.
The RAM is working in my other PC and even if it wasn't compatible the bios would still show up on my monitor would it not?...the only one thing that plugs into my mobo from the psu is the main power plug...and then there are all the sockets for the hard drive, cdrom (ETC) i have no idea why it's doing this...if i can't get it to work i guess i'll just have to consider it a DOA and notify EBAY.
the RAM i'm using is from my compaq deskpro EN p550...and from what i've looked up about my mobo, it's used in a smaller faster deskpro model.
where the on/off/restart thing is supposed to be plugged in the it says SW/LED/HDR, and to the right of that it says SCSI/LED
and the whole reason why i haven't cased this thing is because i'd like to be sure it works before doing so
just tried SDRAM...still no luck, no hard drive, or devices connected (cept the monitor of course) didn't even get a "no keyboard detected" message on my screen
You don't need a case to power on a computer. For an initial test to make sure things power on, setting the motherboard on a non-conductive surface (I usually use a motherboard box) is the way to go. Are you sure that the on-board video works? If you're not, pop in a PCI video card to help test it. While a 200W power supply may be fine, you might want to try a 300W unit and see if that works. It's possible that the 200W (especially if you've used it for quite sometime) isn't able to give enough juice to go. I know it sounds silly, but you won't know unless you try.
I know that, but you do need to plug in a piezo speaker to the motherboard to heard the frantic beeping that tells you whsta wrong. did you plug in the speaker? Ps the beeps doing actually mean something so if your getting "Theres soemthing wrong here" beeps then look up the code to translate them (ive never used it cos ive allways had a msi board [they have led's to tell you whats happening instaed])
plugged in the sys speaker...no noise...tryed two different kinds of SDRAM still no dice...this thing is supposed to be backwards compatible but i'm not seing it...as for a PCI video card i don't think i have one, i'll have to look. as soon as i plug in the PSU the computer turns on, i don't have to short anything, it just automatically turns on, Green LED lights, fan kicks on but no bios screen.
Alright, upon closer examination of my RAM slots it says "UDRAM" so i think that i might possibly have the wrong RAM...on another not i have a pentium 4 computer now so i'll be upgrading that board to a system and then selling it. another not, it is runnin a celeron 1.2ghz CPU