hello after geting my pc fixed in a pc store the guy tested my pc and he was surprise how slow it is, because i have P4 1,7 Ghz and 768MB ram he said that it should be faster and he looked at my Hard Disk Drives!!its like 4 of em, 3 are about 6GB and one about 10GB!the drive in that my OS and all things i downloaded is just about full so he said i have to make that drive about 15Gb that is runs faster and the other 3 small cause i aint realy using em!!i looked arround alot in internet and i try alot but i couldnt figure out how to change the size of the Hard Disk Drives!!!can you tell me if he was speaking rubish or how i should do it??? thanks
hey, welcome EKO_FRESH I dont think you have 4 hard drives, more likely that you have one hard drive which is split into 4 parts, called partitions! When ever I need to take space from one partion to another, I use Partion Magic which you can get from here http://www.powerquest.com/partitionmagic/ though its not free but its easy to use! do you what format your hard drive is? FAT32? NTFS? and what OS you are using? I will find a freeware software to help you out!
well its writen Hard Disk Drives and ther 4 of em C:, D:, E:, F: !! XP pro!!NTFS!!!i got power quest drive image 5.!! il try right now but i never used it and dont know exactly!!! thanks
thats for backing up your hard drive, what you need is partition magic, or if you go to download.com and search for partition, you will get a nice list of shareware and freeware partition software for download. let us know how it goes!
i got some of these partition progz and i used one called Paragon partition Manager!!!i lost 6GB data and my backupfiles are gonne to!!!what can i do to get that stuff back???instead 4 drives i got now only 2 and one is (C) 6GB and Local Disk (D) with 22GB!!!
If that stuff is critical, there are places that recover the stuff. However, it's pretty expensive to the point of several $1,000's. Before going any further, I highly suggest backing your stuff up to a different hard drive, zip disk, or CD-R/W. Having it on that hard drive and altering the partitions isn't the best idea. Once it's backed up elsewhere, you can delete all the partitions and then recreate one large one or any combination of paritions you want.
you should be able to recover the partitions, dont worry too much I've done this is the past, where as I lost my backup partition but was able to recover it. Do you remeber what you did? the options you selected that? it seems you have merged the partitions togeather? also you could try a partition recovery program, http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=recover+partitions
also If your data is critical, you should not backup on the same hard drive, because if something was to go wrong with the hard drive even the backup will be lost! please let us know how it goes!
well the day after i switched my pc on again i got "invalid partition table" and nothin worked anymore!!i used recovery cd wich make the original OS that was there when i baught it,Windows ME and now i installed XP pro again (man that takes ages)!!i lost evrything but never had extremly emportant stuff!!!and big i am 17 and i havent got even 500$ but thanks for the tip !!!well i still dont understand what i did wrong and if i could have still saved evrything but now it dosnt matter anymore!!! thanks for help!!and nice forum this is!!!
hey I've been though the exact same thing, then I was 16 years old, didnt know much, but I learnt from my mistakes, no one ever told me anything, its part of learning anything new Sounds like XP pro took ages, lol, it should not have taken more than an hour but less!!! cuz today I just did a clean install cuz yesterday I stupidly messed up, lol, maybe it had to do with the fact that it was around 1:30 AM
Im guessing you deleted the partittions. The data would still have been there, just not in a partition so it couldnt be found. We've all done it! I killed a comp once too, a crappy old 486, a few years back now. And ive discovered that deleting partitions with data on is a bad thing, the hard way too Id be gutted for a week if I lost everything now! Unlucky!
I dont understand what you mean eko_fresh but this is how I do my setup! C:\SYSTEM D:\PROGRAMS E:\USER F: PAGE FILE In C: drive I just install the OS, I dont ever install programs there, I only install programs on the D: drive, its makes every thing simple, also I store all the user files on my user driver E:, where my documens etc etc are stored, so in the event the OS gets corrupted, or something similar, I dont loose any important data!, wich requires me to do a clean install, so I just insert the XP CD, go into the setup, when asked delete the C: partion and the re-createit! and install again! I also made my XP CD, so that after I create the partion, I can come back after a bit and every thing is installed I made my XP CD, so I dont have to set the computer name, user name, regional settings etc simply, it answers all the questions which XP comes up with during setup
I was installing a cd/rw the other day for someone and I came across the strangest setup ive ever seen for the hdd. I have mine setup weird.... ive got the programs and documents bit on the master hdd, and the OS files and hardware drivers on a second slave drive. Weird in that the OS is on the slave. But on this celly setup I was working on the other day.... they had the hdd running as a slave off the cd rom drive.... going into the secondary ide plug on the motherboard! I was surprised it even worked! I started flapping abit too cos I had the whole family around me watching, and I forgot to set the hdd jumper back to primary or cable select... it was on slave so it wouldnt boot. Got it sorted anyway! I also might have got a job out of it as a call out network support guy. Thats the best I could describe it but its basically just rebooting a system when it fails. I get a mobile and adsl for free! Plus if I do have to go to the 'office' its literally a 5 min walk down the road. Quite a productive day