ant install RedHat 9??

Discussion in 'Linux, BSD and Other OS's' started by EKO_FRESH, Jul 23, 2003.


    EKO_FRESH Geek Trainee

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    when i try to install RedHat 9 it lets me wait about 2 minute when the blue screen has come, then i do the normal set up ect. but when i choose my mouse it lets me wait about 4 minutes(is that normal?)then evrything goes well until it should install the packages, i let my pc run 2 houres and nothing happen, i spend the whole day trying to install and it gets stuck always there!!please help me cause i baught it and if it aint work it was waist of money!!besides i am sick of microsoft!!before i baught it i cheked about my hardware and it seemed to me that Linux should run on my pc!!!oh and the hole install progress seems is to far at the right cause at the left of my screen there is a black stripe about 1cm wide!!!

    Intel Pentium 4 CPU 1,70 GHZ GenuineIntel
    768MB ram
    NVIDIA GeForce2 MX 100/200
    Acer FP563 screen
    PS/2 Mouse
    x86 based computer
    now i am using windows ME

    please help me cause i am going BANANAS!!

  2. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    Windows ME does suck. However, Windows 2000 and XP don't.

    Different hardware configurations work different ways, so waiting 4 minutes for a mouse detection isn't something I'd sweat over.

    Linux hasn't quite gotten to the Plug n Play status Windows has. I'd check out Red Hat's site and check the listings of specific hardware pieces that work with the OS. Most of your configuration looks okay, but I'd pay attention to what NIC and modem you're using. You may need to reserve an IRQ in BIOS.

    EKO_FRESH Geek Trainee

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    well on is a list. CPU, Video cards, SCSI controllers, IDE controllers, Network cards, Modems, and Soundcard !! my lancard is compatible to!! evrything seems to be o.k. expect the Modem, i got an HSP56 Micromodem wich isnt supported as writen on the list !!! what the hell i do know ?? can i somehow unplug the modem to use redhat without internet ??? i dont understand why it dosnt work just because of the modem??the modem is for internet only so it make no sence to me can you explain me, and can you maybe explain me what you said about the BIOS ??
    hope im not enoying you with my newbie questions!!!

  4. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    If the modem isn't on the list, take it out and see if the install works. If it does, you know that the system doesn't get along with that card. If it's a winmodem (a modem that is software driven in Windows), that's probably the main reason. Basically, you might be looking at getting a hardware modem, which will probably run you $50 or more. I'd suggest ISA, but I really haven't seen a Pentium 4 motherboard with one in it----which is to be expected since they've been phased out. External modems may be something you'll want to look at, especially those that use a serial port for connection to the PC.

    By reserving an IRQ in BIOS, you'll need to reboot the system and get into your motherboard's BIOS----usually it's the "Delete" key, but may be "F1" as well. What you're looking for from the main menu there is the submenu labled something like "PnP/PCI Configuration".

    EKO_FRESH Geek Trainee

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    Well i had taken the modem out and i tried a few times but it didnt work!! all my hardware (expect the modem but i had taken this out today) seems compatible but it dosnt work, i tried yesterday for 10 houre and today another few houre and i couldnt get it running!! why does evrybody say its so easy to install but with me nothing worked!!! DAMN I AM MAD AT THOSE LIER FROM REDHAT COMPANY!!! my machine is x86 based and i just dont understand whats the problem!!!i hear about people running it on so old machines but i got no sucsess!!!if i have to spend some money on hardware thats o.k. but only if someone 100% knows what the problem realy is cause otherwise il be waisting even more money!!!my hard drive is a Samsung SV3002H, can that be the problem???

    thanks for help so far and i hope more people see my prob and can help me!!!
  6. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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  7. harrack52

    harrack52 Supreme Geek

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    Ok how did you install redhat ?
    You need 3 partitions

    1) The size of your memory, for swap.
    2) 70mb, this is the boot partition
    3) Where the rest of the "stuff" is put (apps, games, storage...)

    If you didn't do that, then this is why it didn't work.

    Also, if you plan on dual booting, I suiggest you install windows first as it crushes the boot partition anyway, so install it first, and when you're gonna' install redhat 9.0, it will prompt you for it. You'll be able to choose which partitions to include in your boot menu.

    If you install windows after redhat, you will have to do this manually, inside redhat, which is more complicated.

    If you plan to play games, at all, you NEED to install windows as not every game supports linux and even if you run Wine, the performance will be nowhere near what you'd get in windows, as far as games go, I'm not sure about the rest.

    Also, if you want to install a program that lets you read ntfs/fat32 partitions from linux, make sure there are no accents (é, à, è, ç, ê, ë...) in your directories, because you won't have access to them once inside linux.

    EDIT: You might wanna' also try Mandrake, as it is the easiest distro out there. You can download it for free, or buy it on ebay if you want for very cheap. You can also get it with a book you buy (the price you'll pay is actually for the book, linux comes with it for free).

    EDIT2: They are not liars. But the thing is, with Linux you gotta' dig for the info you want. Do not expect it to be easy to learn, as the command-line is critical for anything you wanna' do in Linux (uncompressing, installing apps, installing drivers...)
    There are plenty of websites that will give you that info, you just have to look for them.
    I strongly suggest you buy a Linux book because you'll need it. Not a reference type of book but a book for beginners, where they show you the steps you should take when first using linux. They also include a Linux version with a guide on how to install it, which is actually what you need to know.

    EKO_FRESH Geek Trainee

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    well i downloaded mandrake 9.1 and burned the ISO file to a cd, it got stuck in the installation progress, i choose to whipe out evrything else and install only mandrake (the same i did choose with redhat) cause i dont really want dualboot (at least not at the moment)!!! i had downloaded freeBSD 5 to and it went well untill i should go up or down with te arrow keys to choose what i want to do then it froze or the keyboard just dosnt work!!! well thanks for your help so far but i hear about people who barely know anything about computers and install mandrake or redhat!!! i know more or less what hardware i got in my machine and i always choose the easy way of whiping evrything out and just installing it but they all freeze!!! i let em run 2 hour and nothing happens!!! people on the net just say its because of my little knowledge and such stuff but i am sure that i am not doing anything wrong because it wouldnt get to the installing packet screen if i would have choosen something invalid about the partitions!!!! i am realy going bananas and i just dont get it whats wrong with it!!! my computer boots very well from my cd rom but can the problem be cause of wrong BIOS settings??? i dont understand anything of this IDE controll and SCSi stuff!! can the problem maybe somewhere there???

    and i did ask in getlinuxonline but they wasnt realy friendly and they just said something stupid like (maybe you need an other mouse)i am realy looking arround the net for few days like crazy but nobody seems to have so many damn problems as i do

    again thanks for trying to help me
  9. harrack52

    harrack52 Supreme Geek

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    Try loading the default settings in the bios (make sure you fix the boot order though).

    I had problems with my RAM (random reboots/lock-ups during OS installs) and I sometimes had to load the default settings for it to work.
    I'm not saying you have a RAM problem but maybe you changed something in the bios and forgot about it.

    SCSI is just a faster interface for your drives than IDE. It's faster, and it's not cheaper. I don't think it's relevant to your cause since your system seems to detect your hardware w/out problems.

    EKO_FRESH Geek Trainee

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    thanks that you got patient for a newbie like me!! well i reset the BIOS settings and it booted again well for mandrake 9.1 and redhat 9!!! both of those OS`s seem to freeze when its at the point where it should delete my complet windows partition!! when i baught this pc i didnt get any official microsoft box with windows, all i got is this recovery CD so that means that its prebuild in my harddrive i think!!! can it bee that the problem is because it cant delete that prebuild thing on my harddrive???

    another thing i noticed in the systeminformation thing is that there is a list that shows Problematic hardware components or so and there is writen

    ACPI IRQ-Holder für PCI-Steuerung ACPI\*PNP0C0F\00000002 22
    ACPI IRQ-Holder für PCI-Steuerung ACPI\*PNP0C0F\00000003 22
    ACPI IRQ-Holder für PCI-Steuerung ACPI\*PNP0C0F\00000005 22
    ACPI IRQ-Holder für PCI-Steuerung ACPI\*PNP0C0F\00000007 22

    i dont know what this is or means but all of them have error 22 writen!!!
    can this be the problem??? oh the word für means for!!! and the word Steuerung means Control!!!

    EKO_FRESH Geek Trainee

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    hhmm why nobody post?? My problem is still unsolved and i tried so much and i just dont know whats wrong!! Please respond to my post befor about the errors and my harddrive!!I managed to run damnsmalllinux 0.4.2 from livecd but evrything else i tried to install failed, i tried redhat9, mandrake 9.1, gentoo 1.4 and freeBSD 5.1 and nothing worked, they all freeze and in freeBSD i cant even choose how to install because my keyboard dosnt work there!!! i read alot about installing linux and i read also most of the redhat handbook and i dunno what to do know!!
  12. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    Hmmm...try using a DOS boot floppy and run FDISK. What FDISK does is allow you to delete and reformat the hard drive. Make sure to read any prompts that come up so you can format the drive as FAT32. Try that and see if that helps to get around the installation problem.
  13. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    hey EKO_FRESH

    well, I doent have a clue about what those errors mean! but all I can think of is that the hardware setup is wrong somehow? over heating maybe? you usualy get freezing etc etc when its overheating! sorry not had experience with redhat etc before :)
  14. harrack52

    harrack52 Supreme Geek

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    You might wanna' try FDISK but just delete the partitions, don't create other partitions, because Linux doesn't use FAT32 partitions.

    Another thing is just like Sniper said : strip down the system to its minimum, and try to install it, also check your temps in the BIOS just after the lock ups and such, now I'm not sure about INtel temps so you could go on their website and see what's the recommended temp for your cpu.
    Try reseating the heatsink, and make sure you apply a RIDICULOUSLY thin layer of thermal paste on the cpu: enough to cover the core, nothing more.

    EKO_FRESH Geek Trainee

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    hello guys. i got a new WD 60GB hard drive and installed mandrake 9.1 and it was very easy!!i guess the problems was cause of my old hard drive!! thanks for ur help anyway :)
  16. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    so the old drive was giving all the problems! I guess it would have been hard to say if the HD was the reason for all the errors! glad you got it fixed! are you still able to use the old drive or is damaged?

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