cpu usage problem

Discussion in 'CPU, Motherboards and Memory' started by D33pBlu33, Dec 31, 2005.

  1. D33pBlu33

    D33pBlu33 Geek Trainee

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    i have a pentium4 3,4 ghz and it is almost being used at 50% even if i'm not doing anything.......only windows necessary is running

    i used a program (everest....maybe you know it) and it gave me this from the processor

    CPU usage:
    - CPU 1 / HTT 1 ..... 0%
    - CPU 1 / HTT 2 ..... (sometimes below 10% and rest of the time above 90%)

    any idea of whats causing this unknown usage???? solutions????

    NOTE: i've already run anti-spyware and anti-virus scan and doesnt detect any problem
  2. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    How many programs do you have running at startup? If you have a lot of programs running in the system tray (bottom right), they can eat up system resources.

    Try this:
    Click 'Start', then 'Run'.
    Type 'msconfig'
    Click on the 'Startup' tab.
    From there, you can check or uncheck the programs/services you want to start/stop when Windows Starts

    Also, some Antivirus software can require alot of resources (especially Norton software *yuk*).
  3. D33pBlu33

    D33pBlu33 Geek Trainee

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    i'm using AVG so it cant be the antivirus i think

    i unchecked all services on the msconfig and restart......the cpu usage was less than 10% and never above that.....so the problem is in the services that are loaded when the windows starts......another problem is that i dont know what service(s) can be causing this large usage

    any sugestion???
  4. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    I'd so a scan for spyware, as that can be a problem. I wouldn't uncheck the services if you don't know what they are, as some are required for Windows to run properly. Some apps will, by default, install a startup program that's frequently unnecessary. In XP and 2000, you can access some of these by going to Start-->Start Up Programs. You can safely remove programs from this listing.
  5. D33pBlu33

    D33pBlu33 Geek Trainee

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    here is the list from the task manager:

    explorer.exe...............cpu usage no more than 3%
    nvsvc32.exe.............. 0%
    avgemc.exe............... 0%
    avgupsvc.exe............. 0%
    avgamsvr.exe............. 0%
    spoolsv.exe................ 0%
    svchost.exe............... 0%
    svchost.exe............... 0%
    svchost.exe............... 0%
    svchost.exe............... 0%
    lsass.exe................... 0%
    services.exe.............. 0%
    winlogon.exe.............. 0%
    csrss.exe.................. 0%
    smss.exe.................. 0%
    msmsgs.exe.............. 0%
    avgcc.exe................ 0%
    System................... 0%
    Inactive Process of the system(translated from portuguese:p ).......... always above 95%

    thats all from the task manager

    :confused: :confused:

    anyone who wants to help me finding th cpu eater lol???
  6. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    NO NO! Don't uncheck ALL the boxes!!! That could cause major stability issues! What I meant to say was uncheck all the unnessary programs you don't need.

    Here are some common startup programs:

    Quicktime - can be disabled
    Microsoft Office Quick Starter - can be disabled
    Adobe Reader Quickstarter - can be disabled.

    You say that now all of the services are unchecked, your CPU isn't be used as much?

    Please list all of the services in the MSCONFIQ 'startup' tab, and I can tell you which ones to safely uncheck!
  7. D33pBlu33

    D33pBlu33 Geek Trainee

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    these are the only that are check.....the rest is unchecked and dont start

    i've seen the services and i left check only the ones that interest
  8. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    And your computer is OK with this configuration? You should list ALL of your entries, just in case you have unchecked something important.

    If you do not use MSN services such as Messenger, then you can safely uncheck 'msnmsgr'.
  9. D33pBlu33

    D33pBlu33 Geek Trainee

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    yeah i've already unticked msn messenger but still continues using 30/40% of the CPU

    i think it can only be two things.....can be a windows bug or an hardware problem......if i cant solve this another way, i'll reinstall the windows, if that doesnt solve the problem i'll trade the processor for a new one

    any other sugestion???

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