i F'ed up

Discussion in 'Video Cards, Displays and TV Tuners' started by james115511, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. james115511

    james115511 Geek Trainee

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    just got done putting comp togather and everything is fine but there is no signal on the monitor when i connect the graphics card. the fan on the card goes fine and the card is plugged into the power supply but there is no signal on the monitor. suggestions?

    ps: im a newb and i probably shoudlnt have been putting togather a computer in the first place, but friends ditched me and said i could probably do it by myself.

    evga geforce 7800 gtx asus a8n-sli mobo
  2. Nic

    Nic Sleepy Head

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    Just check your card is in firmly. The do take A BIT of force to go in properly.
    Also do you get any beeps coming from your PC when you switch it on?
  3. james115511

    james115511 Geek Trainee

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    its in firmly but no beeps
  4. james115511

    james115511 Geek Trainee

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    what does it mean when therea re no beeps?
  5. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    What are your specs? Include the power supply make and model.

    Are your fan's spinning up and staying like that or are they spinning up for a few seconds and then the system shuts off?
  6. StimpE

    StimpE lol, Internet!

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    Be sure to disable any onboard video before trying to install expansion video cards.
  7. james115511

    james115511 Geek Trainee

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    evga geforce 7800 gtx
    asus a8n-sli mobo
    corsair xms 2x 512 ddr4 pc3200
    amd 4000+ socket 939
    antec 2 psu 550w
    western digital 250 gb

    the fans seem to spin fine and not turn off. cold somethign have gotten fried when i was putting it togather? if so how would i know?
  8. beretta9m2f

    beretta9m2f Karate-Chop Action Gabe

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    Well first check for quickie *doh!* type mistakes. I once installed a new graphics card into a motherboard with onboard graphics and i kept plugging the monitor into the onboard vga port instead of the graphics card itself. So make sure thats done (it probably is)
    Also check to see if you get any visual by taking out the 7800 and plugging your monitor into the onboard graphics slot. If everything is fine EXCEPT for visual, then your graphics card should be of concern. Especially since you're not getting any system beeps. Lastly if you don't have onboard gfx then try putting your gfx card in someone elses computer to see if it works. This sounds like its gonna be a huge case of trial and error.
  9. james115511

    james115511 Geek Trainee

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    yea, i might end up having to bring it to computer renaissance, but i will do everythign in my power to try and fix it because computer renaissance charges 60$ an hr. I also don't know anyone who has the correct parts that can help me plug my graphics card into their system. I am starting to regret buying these parts and having anything to do with computers at all.
  10. wesley

    wesley Geek Trainee

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    James, just a suggestion - check that you have connected all the required power plugs from the PSU to the mainboard. Mine has two - a usual 20/24 pin one but in addition a square 4 pin one that supplies 12v to parts of the circutry. My recent build booted up fine, but no video - the Radion card fan was functioning so I did not at first suspect lack of power. Then I looked at the book again and realized that I had not connected the second (four pin) power outlet to the boart- that was the problem.

  11. james115511

    james115511 Geek Trainee

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    thnx every so much..... but i solved to prblem. See the problem with the motherboard was that it wasnt responding to the ram which it should have been. So i got on the phone and called tech support (asus tech support is not highly regarded by most people) they gave me a list of possibilities and what to do. none of that really hepled so i looked at other forums and found out that multiple people were having the same problem but only 1 figured it out. What i had to do was get a different stick (which i ran to bestbuy to obtain making sure i knew i could return it within 30 days with a reciept) of ram and put that into the B1 slot. the video and everythign started up got into the BIOS and changed the timings to 2.5-3-3-6 and now i can use the ram i initially bought. So if anyone is having the same problems i did i would suggest this method before sending anyhting back.

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