i WAN'T TRILY THINKING ABOUT OVERCLOCKING THE THING RIGHT AWAY, BECAUSE ISN'T THERE A POSSIBILITY OF FRYING THE THING? aNY OVERCLOCKING TIPS? Sorry, caps lock. Aren't you supposed to oc in increments? I'm a total newb to putting together computers and overclocking. I think I'll buy the fans and stuff later on and just get the basics now. In a few months, if I'm not happy with my HL2 performance, I think I'll crank that sucker up. Oh, and how many more FPS do you think I would get if I overclocked it to 3200+ or higher speeds in a game like Halo or Half-Life 2? Do you think that buying the Kingston PC3200 Value RAM is the best choice for RAM for my rig?
Make sure the rig is stable before doing any OC'ing. How much it affects the gaming depends on the resolution and color-depth you're running. You're not likely to notice a difference in gameplay without a decent jump in speed, and I do speak from experience. At a certain point, you won't be able to notice the speed difference at a certain resolution. Different engines scale differently. Heck, even based on the same engine scale differently sometimes.
Well, the only resolution I can go up to is 1024x768 or whatever 17" flat panels are locked at(KDS). Is it just me, or are the colors of flat panels REALLY funked up. It's a real pain playing games sometimes because it is literally pitch black even in games like BF1942 when youre in a room, and other games like halo. I've tried putting the contrast to 100% and brightness to 100% and still don't notice a difference. I have a 20" Sony that's like 7 or 9 years old but it can be used as a boat anchor and I don't have space like that. What does increasing the resolution do? Does it display more pixels?
The higher the res, the more desktop space you have. Stuff also becomes sharper. There are probably some better LCD monitors available, but they're probably much more than you'd be intrested in paying. I run my desktop a 1280x1024. I'd probably run it at 1600x1200, but any monitor I have doesn't work at that res or is limited to a 60Hz refresh rate. That's real annoying at that res. I'd rather have a flat-screen over a flat-panel too.
M 17" KDS flat panel has a 0.264mm dot pixel pitch, while my boat anchor has a 0.30mm dot pixel pitch, but has resolutions of 1600x1200 How come my TFT LCD has reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly dark colors? Like when I'm playing DE:IW or Halo it can get so dark that my flashlight hardly helps. It's like pitch black. I've jacked the constrast and brightness up 100%, and havn't noticed any change.
My Sony is a "Sony Multiscan sfII"- wwhere could I find the specs on this? Does it have OK refresh rates and junk?
raw power... cpu:AMD 2600+ Barton shuttle an35n-400 512mb ddr500 pc4000 hyperx eVGA geforce fx 5200 128mb 17" KDS 1280x1024(thought it was 1024x768-YAY!) HALO SPECS: ALL SETTINGS TURNED TO HIGH AND ON, 1280x1024 resolution- of course i was averaging about 6-7 FPS LOL. but the fx5200 is no geforce4, nor a geforce 2 on steroids. this baby has power, even if it doesn't completely exploit the effects of dx9
o....are the graphics really nice in DEIW? I heard the ragdoll system is revolutionary. MP2 has it too. HL2 missed its chance to shine. Looks like it'll be kinda an outdated copycat with a freaky alien story. by no mean does halo suck. the single player is OK. nothing more. There are few great moments like when you're killing aliens and this electtrical guitar comes on and you're just rockin.' There's also a very scary part that you must get used to in order to beat the game....MULTIPLAYER~A-D-D-I-C-T-I-N-G. I've never seen a game so fun. I don't like BF1942 because the levels are so huge. maybe that'll all change when I get the 9800pro to power it. Anyways, I would buy Halo if I were you. I would pick it over Call of Duty(not that I've played it). P.S.: Post your screenshots of DEIW: But don't include ones that have SPOILERS in them 'cuz I havn't played the game yet!
You'll see them in the review. It's actually pretty good, but a lot of people are steamed because it's been ported off the X-Box (was originally ported to the X-Box from the PC). It makes all my cards weep to say the least and leaves me wondering how they got it to run smoothly on the X-Box (P3 733MHz, 64MB RAM, GF2 MX graphics, custom nForce chipset)
the XBOX has a Geforce 3 Ti500 with a modded hybrid tech. i played the demo on a fx5200- it's not pretty. wonder how it will be on a 9800pro, though. it seems like all the ports from the xbox perform very poorly on high-end pc's. who knows...