WinXP Pro vs. Win2k Pro

Discussion in 'Windows OS's' started by DaRuSsIaMaN, Sep 15, 2006.


Which is the better OS?

  1. WinXP Pro

    4 vote(s)
  2. Win2000 Pro

    5 vote(s)
  1. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    Which one is better and why?

    Of course this has been discussed before, but then again what major topic on HWF hasn't? I also did not find an actual poll from doing a quick search, so now I'm making one! :D Also, since our forum does grow and people do gain more computer experience all the time, maybe we can get some fresh opinions heard. I'd love to hear all your guys' say, especially those in the minority opinion...


    P.S.: I said "Pro" in the title because I suppose it makes more sense to compare the full features of one with the full features of the other, since the amount of "crippling" in the home versions may vary (I don't know).
  2. Addis

    Addis The King

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    I've used 2k pro, and it seemed faster than XP. I'm not one for fancy looks, and so as long as it works and is well supported I'll go for 2k.
  3. harrack52

    harrack52 Supreme Geek

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    I voted 2k but as far as I'm concerned, here are the differences.

    - 2k seems lighter
    - 2k freezes quite a bit more than xp
    - downloads are faster in xp (sounds ridiculous I know)
    - mouse in games is smoother in xp (the fps might be higher on 2k, but it's also much more choppy)

    EDIT: 2k pro is actually the most basic 2k version I believe. Others are Server, Advanced Server and Data Center I think. 2k has no XP Home equivalent.
  4. zeus

    zeus out of date

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    Ive voted for 2k Pro as well.

    I have found that one or two games (BF1942 mostly) seems to crash more in 2k over XP though. This isnt to say its 2k pro fault though, might just be a coincidence or my system!
    For normal use I dont really see any differences other than XP has an updated paint (its not so much paint but the files which decide what image formats paint supports, there is a fix), XP has image preview with slideshow and copy & paste cd burning (which is useful!)
  5. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    If I had to choose then I'd go for XP.

    It's got Remote Assistance, Remote Desktop, better security policies (the everyone group doesn't include annonymous users) and a built in firewall (although it's pants but it's better then nothing).

    That being said, I'd rather die then use Windows. :)
  6. thoonie

    thoonie hmmm....

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    Maybe two year ago, id vote for Win2k Pro, but now my vote is on its Xp Pro, due to the fact that MS stopped their support on Win2Ks. XP is generally more secured(MS Products only :p ) than 2k especially when your in a domain. But i must admit 2k is lighther than xp.
  7. zeus

    zeus out of date

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    Microsoft still support 2000, the last securoty update was last month.
    Ive not bothered updating mine though since SP4 was released, but all these usergroup policies, firewalls n stuff dont matter to me!
  8. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    Oh. :doh:
  9. Nic

    Nic Sleepy Head

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    Simply because no more updates will be released for win 2k pro
  10. zeus

    zeus out of date

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  11. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Win 2K Pro all the way, i use it now on my old pentium 4 rig, window blinds was a let down, but i installed WinStep Xtreme pack, now i have glass effects and a cool looking next start bar :good:, it's faster, it is a little choppy when starting, but apart form that, it's the best :good:.

    I use XP Pro SP2 on my main righ because i like the VTP 5.5 pack which makes it look like vista, and i like the glass effects, neither of which works in 2k Pro :(
  12. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    Due to the matter of fact that I havnt used 2k Pro, I will vote for XP Pro.

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