I Hate windows.... Give me curtains, anything!!!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Impotence, Sep 21, 2006.

  1. Impotence

    Impotence May the source be with u!

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    *swears and curse's M$*

    Switching from linux to windows is not as easy as it would seem, so be warned! i just spent god knows how long (over 2 soild hours anyway) installing patches (via windows update) for windows 2000 SP4.... 43 critical updates (wtf? how many did windows 2000 without any service packs have?) 8 software upgrades (which caused more critical updates to appear) and finding drivers manually beacuse the optional hardware update didnt even work!

    and all i have to show for that work, is a patched copy of win2000 with firefox installed. i still have to find & install network drivers (wired), dial up modem drivers (its there, i want to be able to use it if needed) and there is about 30 items on the add new hardware list that need drivers.... :cries:

    I much prefer my Ubuntu + automatix.... 1 hour? (and its READY, instead of being ready to setup). i still dont think half life on top of wine on top of linux would work on a 650 Mhz machine tho, so its tripple booting for me! (backtrack, ubuntu, winblows 2000 pro)
  2. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    Its just the windows installation........ You will have to install AV, Adware, firewall etc... to run it smoothly over the internet....(I know in your case, you r not going to internet).... I have ditched the windows recently and trying to be patient while using Ubuntu. Till now, I m facing lot of problems but still I know I've to be patient to make it working great.... Hopefully I will make it working soon. Then I will be the another linux user.....
  3. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    Everybody I know who takes the time to learn Linux has stuck with it. That includes my wife. :) If you truly learn it and still don't care for it, at least you've learned one more skill, right?
  4. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    Ah but ignorance is bliss! And my sig. attests to that with solid evidence. :D

    Look at how raving mad Impotence is from using windows now lol. But see, he wouldn't be burning in his flaming anger and hatred (a hyperbole of course) if he never knew linux. I, for example, don't know what I'm missing. And therefore I stay perfectly content with my crappy OS and my life in general because of it. So I think I'm just as happy as your wife :p
  5. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    Hehehe, wow, that's some distorted logic man! :doh: But don't let me get in the way of the "peaceful" bliss of your dark Windows womb! :rolleyes:
  6. harrack52

    harrack52 Supreme Geek

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    Being ignorant is one thing, knowing it and be happy with it is another. That logic's twisted alright !

    Still, to be surprised at the number of updates needed on a Windows platform is quite beyond me.

    However, I've seen people here who only swear by Linux and couldn't find video drivers through the update manager, so I guess we can throw the "easy" factor out the window for Linux as well.

    There aren't any OS out there at the moment which can do everything right. That's the simple truth.
  7. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    Linux is easy to setup ... for a Posix UNIX system, that is. Compared to some other OS'es not so much, unfortunately. But once you know it, it's not hard at all, since the UNIX way of thinking actually makes a lot of sense. And once a Linux box is configured correctly, you really don't have to mess with it or do much to maintain it. That's one of the things I really like about the platform: bulletproof once setup. My wife's had the same Linux installation on her PC for 3 years now, and I believe it actually runs faster today than it did the first day it was intalled, and every bit as stable. Can you say that about any Windows installs? How about Mac installs?

    Granted, ATI drivers make things harder than they need to be. That's why I recommend non-ATI video for serious Linux users. Otherwise, you'll just have to put up with the 1990's era driver installation that comes with ATI's crappy drivers. :( Intel has also had crappy Linux/UNIX drivers until recently, but now they've open-sourced them, so we should see some high-quality drivers in the near future which will work right out-of-the-box on Linux systems. And since AMD has purchased ATI, they may be going the open-source route with ATI drivers as well. That could mean superior drivers for ATI users on Linux compared to even those on Windows, since Linux developers will be able to write the drivers without having to rely on ATI. It'll be a while before those materialize (if at all), but for now NVidia has excellent (albiet closed-source) drivers for the Linux and UNIX platforms which are fast and rock-solid. NVidia has historically had better OpenGL support anyway, which is the graphics architecture on all non-Windows OS'es. So, all-in-all, it's not a bad choice either way.
  8. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    Yep, I like my womb, thx. *hangs sign on door* "Do not disturb."

    But all jokes aside, maybe I'll get Linux next summer.

    [ot]EDIT: Wow that "rolls eyes" smiley is by far the worst one out of all the smileys here! Someone rolling one's eyes is supposed to look at least slightly exasperated not smiling and blinking happily. If i had to guess at that smiley I would guess it's supposed to be an innocence or inquisitiveness look... nothing of the sort it's supposed to be. Mr. Rolleyes Smiley, you're FIRED!! (wish I could do that)"[/ot]

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