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Jan 21, 2025
Oct 23, 2001
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Administrator, Male

Staff Member

Made good progress on the "my computers" feature over the weekend :) Jun 13, 2011

Sniper was last seen:
Jan 21, 2025
    1. Ghostman 1
      Ghostman 1
      Hi Sniper, How are you doing ? I just wanted to see on , How I am doing with keeping all the spammers out of this forum ..We are getting about 3 or 4 per week..Anyway, Is there Anyway to make me a Moderator ? I just starting working / building a Super Computer, But running into all kinds of Problems... Anyway. get back to me when you can..
    2. jeremyhon
      i want to advertise on your site,and the Advertising price?
    3. ravi23071988
      Please help me i have posted my PC config

      AnD i need to upgrade my PSU.........
    4. Sniper
      Made good progress on the "my computers" feature over the weekend :)
      1. Carl Holcomb
        Carl Holcomb
        Can you explain what you mean by "progress on my computer" are you doing a hardware or software change... I just find this interesting :3
        Sep 6, 2011
      2. Sniper
        Its a feature for this website, allows you to list your computer/s , add images, let people "Like" it etc just not had the chance to finish it yet.
        Sep 6, 2011
      3. Carl Holcomb
        Carl Holcomb
        amazing, i will be patiently awaiting
        Sep 7, 2011
    5. Sniper
      started work on "My computer(s) feature" not sure how long it will take.
      1. cube_ likes this.
    6. Ghostman 1
      Ghostman 1
      Oh ! Thats cool...Thanks for telling me..
      1. Sniper
        no problem man!
        May 8, 2011
    7. Ghostman 1
      Ghostman 1
      Nope never used twitter before... So enlighten me ....
      1. Sniper
        Its a considered a good thing when someone follows you because their interested in what you have to say on the forums.
        May 7, 2011
      2. Sniper
        I'm sure google can help you discover what twitter is :)
        May 7, 2011
    8. Ghostman 1
      Ghostman 1
      what do you mean , following me ...AND WHY ?
      1. Sniper
        haha, consider it a friends request :) I guess you've not used twitter before?
        May 7, 2011
      2. cube_
        i consider it more like a page full of status updates ;)
        Jun 10, 2011
    9. Michael Condor
      Michael Condor
      Wow , it's like facebook down here . niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
      1. Sniper likes this.
      2. Sniper
        yep its pretty decent :)
        Apr 16, 2011
    10. Random Person
      Random Person
      What's up man.

      I just wanted to give a little shoutout to scorps65, he has been really helpful towards me.

      Thats all :D

      Sidenote, how are you doing?
      1. scorps65 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Random Person
        Random Person
        ILU2 lol. :P
        Apr 19, 2011
      4. cube_
        hey dudes, got the steam version yesterday. been playing ever since - awesome! can't get co-op to work. random person, still playing man?
        Apr 22, 2011
      5. Random Person
        Random Person
        Obviously. :P
        As I said earlier, add me man. Try cisko116, Cisko or Cisko Wijdeven.
        Also, with that, you probably already guessed what my name is. hehe
        Apr 22, 2011
    11. StimpE
    12. Ferg
      Cheers buddy
    13. Ferg
      Fair enough - can you change my name to Ferg while your at it ^_^
    14. Ferg
      Aww you made premium names slightly lighter blue - I thought it was orange hehe
    15. Ferg
      Haha, my bad maybe get a 'wall to wall' thing going on ^^ - not too long just a couple of years, am lucky to be in an area (geographically speaking) with little competition and where reputation means everything. Think if i'd stayed in a city i'd be working for some company by now.
    16. Net Jockey
      Net Jockey
      Hi Sniper...I welcome your invitation to be friends.
    17. thomas234
    18. Ghostman 1
      Ghostman 1
      Hi sniper, Whats up ?
    19. Swansen
      i really haven't done much with my PS3 only like 30 or so work units. Sony updated the F@H set-up, its now "life with Playstation" I'm pretty happy right now, i'm now sure how much longer i'm going to want to keep up with the GPU folding. Its like i have dial-up, but i have a SMP client running on my Linux box, so that should work out pretty well, plus a regular graphical client on my gaming/everyday rig.
    20. Swansen
      not to much. Setting up F@H on everything with a processor.... slacking on my homework.. what about you?