1. After having installed Ubuntu 7.04, I can't use Vista anymore...I can still see the Vista partition with it, but can't get into Vista... I tried reinstalling it, but no use... as it stands, Ubuntu has monopolized my system :O ... Is there any setting I should change? 2. for wirless networking, I tried to connect to my network the problem is that the 7.04 version doesn't have WPA or WPA2 security... is there a solution to these problems? Thanks for your help!
Please, I really need Vista to work... I don't find it normal that Ubuntu nicks my other OS like that... :x:
what bootloader are you using[ot]i think *Ubuntu uses GRUB by default[/ot]you need to reinstall GRUB[ot]if your using GRUB[/ot]follow this thread to reinstall GRUB from the LiveCD
I think I finally solved the problem... all I had to do is to delete all the partitions on all HDDs and voilĂ . I killed it!:chk: Other than that, the network problem is quite a big one... I found some complicated command stuff for Ubuntu 6.06 but not for 7.04... there seems to be a serious problem with WPA2 ATM... so I'll wait and see when they'll fix that problem.
What wifi card do you have? i'll assume you're using WPA2PSK encryption. Open up a terminal, and do Code: sudo iwconfig From there, find the name of your wireless interface, it should be something like wlan0. Then do Code: sudo gedit /etc/rc.local and before the "exit 0", put this line Code: iwpriv [i]interfacename[/i] set AuthMode=WPA2PSK iwpriv [i]interfacename[/i] set EncrypType=(AES or TKIP) iwconfig [i]interfacename[/i] essid NETWORKNAME iwpriv [i]interfacename[/i] set WPAPSK=yourwpa2passphrase Then reboot, rc.local runs after all other bootup scripts on boot. I have my WPA network configured with a few commands like these in /etc/network/interfaces. This method is slightly more hackish, but should also work.
that's exactly what I saw on what of those Ubuntu comunity pages... I'll try it once I reinstalled Feisty. Thanks!
I'd like to install Ubuntu 7.04 but can't select the HDD I want... it doesn't appear in the list. (Only the HDD Vista is installed on appears). Do you know what I should do to solve the problem?
well, Kubuntu has a small drop down list to select the destination HDD, as Kubuntu is Ubuntu with just a different GUI (Ubuntu uses Gnome & Kubuntu uses KDE) BTW: it is better to install *nix with only 1 HDD connected, to avoid possibly installing over a current partition BTW: i think the HDD install destination changer is located @ the top left of the install window BTW: you need to change the install destination from hd0 (primary master) to either hd1 (primary slave), hd2 (secondary master) or hd3 secondary slave)[ot]assuming your using IDE HDDs[/ot]
so I'll have to disconnect my S-ATA HDD with all the info on it, then try and install Ubuntu, right? Sounds a little risky, but I'll give it a try.