2nd hdd

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by gaz2374, Sep 16, 2006.

  1. gaz2374

    gaz2374 Geek Trainee

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    got my newly built pc turned on today only one problem is when i tried to add the second hdd it didnt want to start so i no iv got the jumpers on wrong but iv got them on 16head primary slave at the mo so what am i best putting them on to .

  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    that just depends, are both drives IDE ?

    if they are, what other IDE devices do you have ?
    and how are they configured ?
  3. gaz2374

    gaz2374 Geek Trainee

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    yeah both ide have hdd1 as primary master

    and then a dvd-rom as master and dvd-rw as slave

    not sure about configure but all work apart from hdd2

    my hdd1 is primary boot and dvd-rom secondary boot if that helps
  4. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    i think you misunderstand, with IDE you can usually have only 4 IDE devices
    • hd0 - primary master
    • hd1 - primary slave
    • hd2 - secondary master
    • hd3 - secondary slave
    there are usually only 2 IDE channels
    • Primary
    • Secondary
    with each channel able to have a maximum of 2 devices attached to each channel, so, hd0 & hd1 are on the primary channel and hd2 & hd3 are on the secondary channel, so saying HDD1 is primary master is a contradiction, because, hd number is defined by their position on the IDE
  5. gaz2374

    gaz2374 Geek Trainee

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    right my dvd-rom and rw are on ide1 and both my hdd are on ide 2 have i got this wrong way as no matter what jumper i put my second hdd on it wont boot with it connected. on the second hdd the jumpers can go

    16 heads or 15 heads (not sure whats the difference)

    device 0 (master)
    device 1 (slave)
    cable select
    dev 0
    forcing dev 1 present

    so the only way i can see is if the second hdd should be slave to dvd-rom and dvd-rw be aslave to hdd1

    is thsi correct or not.
  6. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    i'm not sure, i think if you select 15 heads the drive is then forced to 32 or 36Gb

    just to clarify the two IDE channels
    • Primary = IDE0
    • Secondary = IDE1
    then each channel can have up to 2 devices, a master and a slave
    • IDE0 = primary master
    • IDE1 = primary slave
    • IDE2 = secondary master
    • IDE3 = secondary slave
    basically you set each device to whether you want that drive to be either master or slave,

    got to go so i will finish later
  7. gaz2374

    gaz2374 Geek Trainee

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    channels are ide1 and ide2 both dvd drives are set as master and slave one ide 1 and hdd thats working is ste as master on ide2
  8. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    i'm not sure, i think if you select 15 heads the drive is then forced to 32 or 36Gb

    just to clarify the two IDE channels are: IDE0 & IDE1 NOT IDE1 & IDE2
    Primary = IDE0
    Secondary = IDE1
    then each channel can have up to 2 devices, a master and a slave
    IDE0 = primary master
    IDE1 = primary slave
    IDE2 = secondary master
    IDE3 = secondary slave
    basically you set each device to whether you want that drive to be either master or slave, on either channel,

    or you can set it up as S/CEL (cable select), basically if you move the jumper (on both drives on a channel) to cable select, the drive at the end of the cable will automatically be master, and the drive connected to the middle of the IDE cable will automatically be slave, hope this helps, sorry for the delay
  9. gaz2374

    gaz2374 Geek Trainee

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    on the mobo it says ide1 and ide2 next to the channels

    and yeah 15heads is to make it 32gb.

    so i have to set both hdd ase cable select for that to work or just the one i cant get to work.
  10. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    try swaping the drive around, or your IDE cable maybe dead try another known working cable, and are the drives powering up ? the small molex power connector are dodgy (see attachment)

    BTW: try waggling molex connector or try a spare (if you have one
  11. gaz2374

    gaz2374 Geek Trainee

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    iv noticed a pin has sunk in abit on the ide connector on the hdd could this be my reason for not working cos im not sure if iv done this while trying the different methods of jumpers. also how can i pul it back out or is it broke now.
  12. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    what pin number is it ?
  13. gaz2374

    gaz2374 Geek Trainee

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    its the one furthest to the right at the bottom not sure on number. would that be a reason
  14. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    Reason = I dont know
    But to cure this problem I always use plucker and it works for me...

    For your Jumper settings....
    These are the four pin settings you will find out where you are setting up your jumpers...

    To set the Master drive you have to set jumper like this..

    To Set the Slave drive you have to set jumper like this...

    Also, if you are using two Optical Drives on one cable and both of them are working then I believe that you must have setted jumpers properly and also you know how to set up with HDD as well...(coz itz the same way)
  15. gaz2374

    gaz2374 Geek Trainee

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    yeah i do no how to set jumpers up etc its just weird how my second hdd worked when it was slave no my old system but now wont even boot if its connected to my new one.
  16. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    Now, straight up the pins which are bend in the HDD.. Remove the IDE cable from Optical drives and insert it into your HDD(which u say is not working) and see if works...??
    So it means that your system was/is working with one main HDD..??
  17. gaz2374

    gaz2374 Geek Trainee

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    my old one was working with a 10gig master hdd and a 80gig hdd and my new one is working with just one 250gig set as master.

    il try taking the cable out of the optical and try it on the hdd if it works what do i do then.
  18. gaz2374

    gaz2374 Geek Trainee

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    fixed it guys i tried the hdd on my other cable wher my optical drives are connected and it worked fine then i tried my dvd-rw on my hdd cable and it wouldnt boot so the cable is broke.thanks for all the help.

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