3DMark06 Result for 3870XT vs 8800GT

Discussion in 'Video Cards, Displays and TV Tuners' started by Pimp, Nov 17, 2007.

  1. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    Just found this interesting 3DMark06 results for 3870,3870CF VS 8800GT look for your selves and see which card is better. CLICK HERE
  2. gazaway

    gazaway Geek Trainee

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    It's pretty much accepted that the synthetics for 3D applications is pretty much bollocks. The only reason people still do them and post them is because people still believe that it actually reflects real world performance.... It's kinda like judging a person's intelligence based on their grades, it's just not correct. The only true way to see how well a card will do is to put it into an application and measure the framerate.
  3. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    Yes i agree with you gazaway (but not the bullocks part) you shouldn't ignore these results completely . This will help you understand the performance of the card better and you should gather more information from other means and look at other statistics, reviews,Tests and maybe do some testing your self.

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