9800 Pro Vs. 9800 AIW

Discussion in 'Video Cards, Displays and TV Tuners' started by wanderer-z, Oct 13, 2003.

  1. wanderer-z

    wanderer-z Geek Trainee

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    Is it true that the 9800 Pro is faster than the AIW version? I remember back in the 8500 days that the 8500 runs faster than its AIW version.

    I'm mostly interested in the 9800 AIW version because I hear that you can hook up game consoles such as a Playstation 2 to it and play games on your monitor. Is this true, and how well does it work?

  2. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    I put up a link to a 9800 AIW review recently (I think it was to Hot Hardware's review), and according to them, the AIW was a tad faster than the 9800 Pro. It's nothing you'll actually be able to tell, but it was faster in their results.

    As for the gaming console thing, technically, yes, it can be done with any video-in, but you may have to have the video capture driver installed (I've only worked with VI nVidia-based cards, no AIW's). I do believe that if you were to run the PS2 or whatever console through the TV antennae coax on the card and run the TV program, you'd probably be able to do it. I'm not sure, though, so check the forums over at Rage 3D.

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