A problem with my NIC (I think)

Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by Initiator, Jul 31, 2009.

  1. Initiator

    Initiator Geek Trainee

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    I have a problem, probably with my NIC.
    In general, the problem is that I DC from the Internet about every 1 sec to 5 min.

    A little more in-depth:
    I've got an ISR with 3 PCs connected through Ethernet. (Cable)
    Now, Only 1 PC have this problem.
    The ISR is constantly connected to the ISP and my connection to the ISR is intercepted.
    I have no idea why that happens but i have a few ways to reconnect:

    1. Restart the PC - works 1/2 of the times.
    2. Disable & then Enable The NIC - works 1/2 of the times.
    3. Repair the NIC using Microsoft Repair function - works 1/10 of times.

    Symptom Description:
    Some times, the PC is DC-ed (disconnected) from the ISR as soon as my PC is up & running.
    sometimes the PC is DC-ed after 1 or 2 minutes.
    And VERY rarely it takes 30 minutes till the DC..

    I'm really tired of this, any 1 knows what might possibly be reason for that DC problem?
    Thanks in advance.

    DC - Disconnect
    NIC - Network Interface Card
    ISR - Integrated Services Router
    ISP - Internet Service Provider

    Edit: Oh, By the way, The Connection is ICMP Flooded as well.
  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    assuming you've tested stuff like cables and reseated NIC tbh you are best starting to test your firewall & possibly move system to DMZ if you have one

    test your firewall with some free / shareware here

    if your firewall checks out ok, perhaps a new NIC may be the answer

    BTW: what OS on misbehaving system ?
  3. Initiator

    Initiator Geek Trainee

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    Well.. the OS was XP Pro SP3 but while tring to fix the prob, my HDD died so i needed to buy a new one (Drive C was the one to die). so I needed to install a new OS, so I'm trying the Win7RC at the moment..
    I'll post ere again if the prob is not solved. if i'll figur it out i'll post as well..

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