AARGH WTF is wrong with my YouTube videos??

Discussion in 'General Software' started by DaRuSsIaMaN, May 11, 2008.

  1. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    Grrrrrrr this is the worst kind of problem!! Something totally ridiculous and unexplicable. :mad: :( :crying: Makes me want to tear my hair out...

    Here it is: every youtube video I try to watch plays the first 0:02 (2 seconds) and then freezes! And that's it. This started happening randomly I think like a week ago. I have no idea what other events are correlated with it. I don't remember making any system changes, and it never did this before. I can go to other sites and watch videos, and they work perfectly fine... So this doesn't make any sense, why does my $&!*(%&!%(!*!%()~! computer not like YouTube all of a sudden???
  2. Impotence

    Impotence May the source be with u!

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    All i can suggest is making sure you have the latest version of flash :/
  3. thomas234

    thomas234 Big Geek

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    Have you tried different browsers? IE and FF?
  4. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    Oh. Latest version of flash, huh? Lol ... that just might be the answer! Let me look into that!
  5. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    Oh man, it worked!! :beer: That was brilliant of you, Impy! Haha I can't believe that was so simple.

    Thanks a lot, mate! (I'm even gonna sound British for ya heh heh) :good:
  6. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    oh my goodnesss.... okay, so I thought it was solved, but now this problem keeps happening again!! :smash:

    Basically, every time I reinstall flash player, the problem disappears. But then after a while it comes back! And then I have to reinstall flash again. And I think this happens eventually even when I don't turn off or restart the computer at all (often times I just hybernate it at the end of each session).

    Why does it keep doing that to me?? :crying:
  7. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    so, reinstalling flash doesn't work for long, hhmmm, try uninstalling flash - reboot - install flash
    how dare you even mention it[ot]LOL[/ot]besides flash is only installed to 1 location & used by all browsers from that location, sorry to p1ss on your bonfire
  8. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    Hmm well now it seems that issue goes away if i reboot... I think. Weird

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