administrator password

Discussion in 'General Software' started by timma, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. timma

    timma Geek Trainee

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    I've got a Sony Vaio PCG-Z600HEK. I was getting a lot of software problems so I did a system recovery with the product recovery CD-ROMs supplied. But now Windows wants an administrator password to start up again. I never had an administrator password or a personal password. I just used to hit the enter button when the dialogue box appeared and it would start up. Any ideas?
  2. Raindrop

    Raindrop Geek Trainee

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    what version of windows is this? Windows XP?
    Does it say anything on the Recovery CD?
  3. timma

    timma Geek Trainee

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    It is Windows 2000. There is nothing written on the recovery CDs or in the manuals.
  4. Wildcard

    Wildcard Big Geek

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    I thought that the default admin account created with windows xp and 2000 installs was blank. If that is not working, you can try using a password reset or recovery tool. You can try one called Offline Windows Password & Registry editor. It will let you blank out any password on a windows installation. You install it either to a cd, usb stick, or a floppy drive and then boot to it. There are other tools that can do similar things as well if you do not want to try this one.

    You can find it here if you want to check it out :
  5. Elfroid

    Elfroid Geek Trainee

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    If it's a disk that came with the laptop, it's presumably a password set by Sony/the company you purchased it from. Some kind of Bart disk will sort you out
    Same as Wildcard above, install to a CD, boot to CD and it will have an admin password reset tool available.

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