Advice on new Gaming Build

Discussion in 'New Build / Upgrade Advice' started by Helter, Dec 11, 2011.

  1. Helter

    Helter Geek Trainee

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    Mostly going to use the computer for Battlefield 2 & 3 as well as Starcraft 2 and Ultima Online:Renassiance. Who knows may even try that new Skyrim, anyways also use the computer for watching dvds and surfing web that's about it. I usually have AIM, and music loaded at the same time, so could always use the extra RAM as well. Anyways in a dilemma out of which build I should go with:

    GTX 560 ti 2048mb (or) gtx 560 ti 1028mb ?? (not sure the difference)
    with 16gb ram & still have 50$ish to or (maybe 24gb ram?)


    GTX 570 1024mb superclocked
    with 8gb ram

    Any advice would be appreciated, not sure how much of a difference it woudd be..

    Currently Have:
    EVGA 131-GT-E767-TR LGA1366/ Intel X58/ DDR3/ CrossFireX & 2-Way/3-Way SLI/ SATA3&USB3.0/ A&GbE/ ATX Motherboard

    if that helps...
  2. NumbWarri0r

    NumbWarri0r Geek

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    What CPU do you have, how much and what speed RAM do you have? What are you using for your GPU?
  3. NumbWarri0r

    NumbWarri0r Geek

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    Also how much are you looking to spend?
  4. Helter

    Helter Geek Trainee

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    1600Mhz speed, already got 8gb ram ddr3, and i7 960 3.2 ghz
  5. NumbWarri0r

    NumbWarri0r Geek

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    Well you don't really need anything over 8GB of RAM, but if you wanted to get another 4GB of the same stuff that would work. As for the GPU I would get the GTX 570.

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