Advice what video card to buy (better than my own, but not top level)

Discussion in 'Video Cards, Displays and TV Tuners' started by azuosed, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. azuosed

    azuosed Geek Trainee

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    Hello, I bought a computer in 2010 HP, and it came with a video card ATI RADEON 4200 HD PCI-E
    At that time, i did not have problem with it, since I was used to play an online game which did not use a lot of video potential.
    But then my life got a little more busy, and i do not have the same time to play games anymore because works, college mainly, and others extra activities.

    Because of that I bought battlefield 3 to play with my friends, and another game called Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.
    I liked both games very much, except that I cannot play on full performance due my video card be very weak.

    On battlefield 3 for example. I have set everything to the minimum possible, and i still get like only 15 FPS on clean maps, and like 8~12 fps on maps with more details, fogs, etc. I can't reduce anything more on graphics, and it really doesn't let me play well the game.

    Then on Chivalry:Medieval warfare, I could do a lot more changing some stuff on the configuration files in the game folder to make it go lower than the in-game possible settings. The thing is, i can "play" the game, but it looks horrible. feels like I am playing a playstation game; and it is really sad since the game has awesome graphics. And again, even with decreasing all that graphic, i still don't get more than 20 fps...

    I play also A.V.A fps game sometimes, and it is lower than all, and i still get max of 40 fps like..

    So my question/advice is.
    Which video card I could buy to improve my gaming?

    Have in mind that first, I am very unable to spend money buying top cards right now, I want something in "between", better than what i got, but not something top lvl. I don't mind still playing those games on minimum settings(in-game without tweaks) as long as I can have a "playable" FPS on them.

    I am asking this because right now I cannot spare a lot of money for this, i won't get in details, but right now all my money is being used for others expenses, so i have very little for myself right now.
    I was thinking something between 50~100 usd only

    My computer by the way before something ask is amd athlon II X2 255 Processor 3.10ghz
    5gb ram.
    I know it is not "top" configuration too, but i do believe that changing video card I would get the results I am seeking for right now, I say that because my friend's laptop for example has everything lower in config, but a better videocard, and the games there look way better and playable than on my computer.
    I tried to overclock my videocard, but the stupid HP block a lot settings on my bios. I will never buy hp anymore i guess haha

    So I would appreciate if you guys could give me a website to buy a videocard, or something, some opinions of a good card, that i can install myself etc.

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