Aim Triton

Discussion in 'General Software' started by vol7ron, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. vol7ron

    vol7ron Guest

    I've logged in with AIM Triton and hit the "Remember Me" which is all good, but it won't forget me.

    There is no option to delete (remove) a screen name from the drop down list. If you don't check the "Remember Me", it won't save you, and once you do there's no way to go back.

    Anyone have any suggestions?
  2. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    Delete AIM Triton and revert back to the older AIM version, the "classic" or w/e they call it. That's what I did *shrug*. Sorry that I can't give a real answer to how to solve the problem but I only used Triton for like a day b4 I deleted it forever. It sucks. Horribly. Just my opinion though. Well, on second thought, actually a lot of people share my opinion lol.
  3. vol7ron

    vol7ron Guest

    A lot of people dont customize it. I downloaded it on my desktop and then went back to the old version as you suggested. But I use it for my laptop and... it's actually better than you think. There's a lot of features that DeadAim doesn't provide. I think people dont' get past the initial advertisements and they're not used to it. I have it customized now and I actually prefer it.

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