AMD Special

Discussion in 'News and Article Comments' started by Swansen, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    YES, well, AMD is on the move, at least in their graphics card department, among other things. So, in a nut shell, AMD is working on a super version of their RV770, which is featured on their HD 4000 series cards. This new card is aimed at the GTX 260 and 280. Also, there have surfaced pictured of HD 4870 X2, and its suppose to be better than a Crossfire 4870 setup?? thats craziness. Moving away from hardware, AMD is going to work with Developers to create games with DX 10.1 functionality, and are already talking to a couple big names. DX 10.1 support is something that Nvidia just can't deal with as far as hardware goes right now.,7904.html,7900.html,7908.html

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