AMD's Recovery

Discussion in 'News and Article Comments' started by Swansen, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    TG Daily - AMD: Barcelona fixed, 45 nm to ramp in H2

    Well, AMD is making its return, they have fixed the bug on their Phenom and Barcelona cores, and are going to be releasing higher end chips second half 2008. As well, AMD wants to get their 45nm cores out as well in second half 2008, so if all goes well AMD should be back on the rise.
  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    come on AMD, intel may have the best performing CPUs, but, AMDs processors are better to the environment (they use less power)

  3. Tech

    Tech Padawan

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    Yeah, its good to hear something positive about AMD once again from the doom and gloom of the recent past. Its in our interest as a consumer to have a strong AMD product so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for the future.
  4. rimmer

    rimmer Geek

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    i remeber when AMD Athlon, XPs, 64's they were all basically the dog's b0llox at the time on intel pentiums, lets see if AMD really can make a return this time

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