AOL Broadband Issue

Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by matttibb, Dec 6, 2004.

  1. matttibb

    matttibb Geek Trainee

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    A few days ago i set up AOL broadband with a dsl modem. My problem is that every so often a pop-up appears in the status bar (bottom right) that a 'Network Cable has unplugged' although i've unplugged nothing and then it proceedes to disconnect and then connect itself again. I have contacted AOL but they've been no help giving me useless steps to take so I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if anyone knows what I should do.
  2. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    AOL Unfortunately are known for their incompetant support, and their general lack of a good service.

    I doubt you'll find alot of people who use broadband on these forums to actually have AOL BroadBand, i would try and search the net for AOL forums or something, or AOL Discussion. Hopefully someone will have had this problem before, but i doubt it :(

    If you want my 2 Cents i'd leave AOL and go with a better provider.

    Good Luck

    - PX
  3. matttibb

    matttibb Geek Trainee

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    Looks like all i had to do was put a dsl filter in the sky+ socket thing. Seems to be fine now...touch wood!
  4. matttibb

    matttibb Geek Trainee

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    It's all fine. Im so happy :D
  5. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    ProcalX is right about the ISP, though. You can get much faster, more stable broadband than AOL for much cheaper. They're going out of the broadband business anyway, so you'd be wise to get out if you can do so without incurring an early termination fee.
  6. matttibb

    matttibb Geek Trainee

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    well its my mum whos pays for the broadband and considering we just got it saturday (tuesday today) she won't be happy if i turn round and tell her its useless. Is it hassle to change provider?
  7. matttibb

    matttibb Geek Trainee

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    Just need to point something out to everyone....i'm from blighty, other side of the pond.....england :good: I don't think aol is going out of broadband in the UK?
  8. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    With most ISPs, it's a very simple matter to switch. However, AOL has a horrible reputation for a reason, so your milage may vary. But since you're so new into your service agreement, you may be able to get out of your contract easily on the grounds that their service is sub-par (which is inherently true of AOL).
  9. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    Well, they just made an announcement the other day that they would be phasing-out AOL for broadband. I don't think they just meant here in the states, but I could be mistaken.
  10. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    AOL will be phased out over here in the UK sector although not till late 2005, so another year really. If your just surfing the net, checking mail, chatting to people occasionaly, but not regularly AOL is fine, anything more than this like big downloads, videos, gaming, leaving it on 24/7 is not something that should be expected without problems with AOL.

    In terms of the way broadband performs AOL is one of the worst, AOL have cracked the 56K side of the market through mass advertising, and they do provide quite a good service, however AOL broadband is something relatively new they have delved into, subsequently they have not done a good job of it, and the performance is usually 10-30% less than most other providers of the same service.

    Matt, since you live in the UK (and i do to), I would highly recommend, for future referance NTL as your internet provider.

    I have been with them for 2 Years now, and not once have i had any problems from their service, the only time its been down its when i have been given due notice and attention.

    BT are fine, but they are no where near as fast as NTL Cable, BT you have to dialup.. Cable you don't, + NTL tend not to overload their servers where as BT will fit as many as the servers can cope with.

    None the less, i'm sure that AOL will be fine for you, you never know, you might find there are no problems.

    Good Luck

    - PX
  11. Addis

    Addis The King

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    I'm using Blueyonder right now and although its a cable provider which can be a problem if you don't have a cable thingy near your street its quite good since you can get 750k for only £25 and 256k for £19. and they're going to give everyone a speed boost soon so i should be getting faster yay!
  12. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    I've heard good things about Blueyonder too, from a British gaming news site I worked for years ago.
  13. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    Yeh they are good, they run the same service as NTL, except they offer better download rates 3Mbps +
  14. Nic

    Nic Sleepy Head

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    I've had blueyonder since about 2000 now and found it to be an excellent ISP. Practically every year if not twice a year they give speed boosts. I think recently we've had a 50% boost and we are coming up to a 33% boost. Lucklily we live in a cable area so we get it no probs but if you don't then I feel sorry for you. We pay £35 a month and have unlimited d/ls. They give you some free web space. We have 4mb (Which is due to get boosted) (Not a home-user package its industrial because we run a server for our local council) so I don't think £35 s too steep.
  15. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    4Mbps is a very nice download speed, but i don't see the point in paying £50+ for a 4Mbps download speed when your upload is only 256Kbps.
  16. Addis

    Addis The King

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    Because of the council tihngy in their house they get the industrial broadband for a lot cheapa. I can't wait for the boost. Still waiting. Counting down the seconds...
  17. Nic

    Nic Sleepy Head

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    I no we did get it free at one point but now they don't do that. I forget the reason y
  18. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    Or...get Wanadoo 1Mb, for only £17.99.

    It says I have a 2gb monthly allowance, which in their terms means 2 hours of gaming a week online. My ass..I've done about 40 throughout november, without any angry emails/internet problems...suckers.
  19. borecord

    borecord Geek Trainee

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    I,m looking for a cheap broadband package in the uk, I dont use the internet much but when I do I dont want to wait for minutes for each page to come up. Whats the best and reliable package available and is it worth buying my own modem.

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