Hi, i finally found a decent way to listin to AOL Radio withought using there annoying AOL 9 software, the problem is, i try to load the radio, it either does not load, or takes ages to load, i thought it was too good to be true , anyway i notice at the end of the link it says ID=US, so its US AOL Radio, they have more stations so thats better, on Winamp there is AOL Music, but its crap, got adverts, and its selecting the songs, not actually listning to the radio stations, i dunno if there is a way to make this AOL radio thing load any faster or if there is any other way to listin to AOL radio. Ok, please dont ask why would you want to listin to AOL radio anyway, the answer is here, there is no adverts in the radio, all it is is just music thats nearly CD Quality, its brilliant, over 200+ radio stations some with the latest music, there is all sorts of types of music too.
Yea, dont like the radio stations, i want the listin to the AOL radio stations, but on WinAmp all they are is looking at a list of songs and then selecting a song, and then advets come up and tis annoying, somthing about shampoo lol, and the songs hardly load anyway, thats why i want to know how to listin to the AOL Radio with XM, they have a site, its the American AOL.