I honestly just think they like don't care or something, like they feel that they should be given the ability to do whatever they feel, regardless if it has already been done or not??? So, Man and Machine have this new mouse, and its called Mighty Mouse, its water proof and is for commercial use. Well, whatever it is that Apple made, they called it the Might Mouse, so you see the issue there. Apple's Mighty Mouse Challenged In Court -- Trademarks -- InformationWeek
At the bottom of the Mighty Mouse product page is the following sentence: So if there's someone to blame, then it's Viacom and not Apple.
no wait, Man and Machine has that license, Apple used it without permission, and since they are the more popular company their product come up in searches first. So theres where the real issue came in, Man and Machines product is overshadowed by Apples illegal use of a protected name.