associated file ? dnt understand

Discussion in 'General Software' started by ciscodiasy2, Apr 27, 2006.

  1. ciscodiasy2

    ciscodiasy2 Geek Trainee

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    i have manyb files i need to open but whenever i click on them from the desktop items it sais

    "this file does not have a program associated with it for peforming this action. Creat an association folder Options control panel "

    i have not got a clue what to do and i am new as this is my first post.


  2. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    I think files have been deleted or moved.........Three ways you can set those icons working again:

    1. Reinstall the software, which you are trying to run.
    2. Right click on the icon, in Target, enter the proper target where the file is. If you are unsure then look at those icons targets, which works.
    3. Search the program in your computer which you want to run on the desktop, Copy the programs icon and paste shortcut on the desktop.

    Thats all what I can think of at the moment. Cheers
  3. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    Welcome to the forums.

    Okay, what type of file are you trying to open? Is it a document of some sort? Where did you obtain this file?

    If you don't know the answer to any of those questions, try this:

    Open up 'My Computer' > Click Tools > Folder Options > View Tab > Look for 'show file extensions for known types' and tick the box. Click Apply and then OK. After you have done all of that, navigate to this mystery file and take a note of the extension. The extension is the letters after the dot (.). Examples:

  4. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    well explaned megamaced

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