athlon 2500+ with epox 8K3A+ MB

Discussion in 'CPU, Motherboards and Memory' started by JJ, Dec 23, 2003.

  1. JJ

    JJ Guest

    I currently have an Epox 8K3A+ MotherBoard with DDR 333 and I just bought a CPU which is Athlon XP 2500+ yesterday...
    The problem is that the system showed the CPU to be Athlon XP 1900+ instead of 2500+ ..I was wondering why that is?
    I have already updated the latest version of bios and installed the .bin file "8K3A3916.bin" and also tried the older version which was meant for 2400+/2600+ .. So I am really stuck here and I need really big big help...anyone that could help i would be really greatful!! =D Thanx
  2. harrack52

    harrack52 Supreme Geek

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    Go into the bios and make sure that the multiplier is set to 11 and the system clock to 166.

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