Billionton 802.11 b/g Wireless LAN Card Device Cannot Start Code 10

Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by Ezzardie, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. Ezzardie

    Ezzardie Geek Trainee

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    Hi, just installed XP on a new hard drive and have been re-installing the relevant drivers for my notebook from PB site. I have installed the Wireless Network Adapter driver but it says it cannot start. I have used belarc to identify the driver as a Billionton 802.11 b/g Wireless LAN Card.

    I have followed the troubleshooter with no success.
    I've tried several different sites to download this driver but none seem to work. I've set the wireless zero config properties to automatic, no change, the device is enabled, tried turning wirless switch on/off, updated the BIOS and still no luck. :dry: :eek:

    Any help would be much appreciated.
  2. RHochstenbach

    RHochstenbach Administrator

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    Try the following:

    Download this driver.
    Now go to Device Manager, select the network adapter and press Delete. At the confirmation message, click on OK/Yes.
    Now install the driver.
    Return to Device Manager and rightclick anywhere in the devices List. Now click on Scan for Hardware Changes.
  3. Ezzardie

    Ezzardie Geek Trainee

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    Thanks for the link rhochstenbach. I've downloaded that driver but somehow can't assign it to the device. I can use the hardware wizard to select the correct device but can't point it in the direction of the driver you provided me with...
  4. RHochstenbach

    RHochstenbach Administrator

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    you'll only need to execute that file. it's an installer, right?
  5. Ezzardie

    Ezzardie Geek Trainee

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    Yes, is an installer, and have gone through the steps. But even after a restart, my device still isn't showing in device manager.

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