Brand Windows XP

Discussion in 'Windows OS's' started by max12590, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. max12590

    max12590 Masterful Geek

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    Well I got a book a while back called Hacking Windows XP. Now before you people that don't know what a grey hat is and get on me, I'll say, its not about hacking, cracking, etc. It's like, modifying the OS, and making it work for you, like hardware hacking. Ok so no flames. But among the many things it teaches you, it has how to brand Windows XP. You know how if you have, like a Dell or Compaq, or any other computer made by a company, and when you open the System Properties window it has the company's logo and the name of the computer and stuff? Well this is how to do that yourself. I'll write a short tutorial about how to do this and post the picture of mine when it's done.
    1. There are 2 parts to branding your computer. The first part is creating an image to be displayed in the System Properties General tab. The image must be a bitmap and be no larger than 180 x 115 pixels. Once you have created your file, name it oemlogo.bmp and save it in C:\Windows\System32 folder.
    2.Now that you have the logo out of the way, you will need to create a file with all of the text that you want to appear on the screen next to it. To do this, open up Notepad and key in the following code. Feel free to replace the text next ot the = with anything you want. Also note that you can have as few or as many lines as you want.
    Manufacturer=V1per Gaming Systems
    Model=Atrocity Special
    [Support Information]
    Line1=No support is available in English
    Line2=Call 1-800-***-**** for 24/7 service and support in Pig Latin
    Line3=This machine comes with a 5 minute super-limited warantee
    Line4=RMA's should be sent to our warehouse in Southern Malaysia
    3. Once you have your text in the right format, click the File menu bar item and select Save As.
    4.Save the file as oeminfo.ini in your C:\Windows\System32 folder. Make sure to change the Save As file type to All Files instead of .txt so that the file is saved with the correct file extension.
    If you did everything right the next time you look at your System Properties window you should see your new branding information.

    Attached Files:

    Exfoliate likes this.
  2. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Hey that's totally sweet dude, nice tut. I might just have to do that.
  3. max12590

    max12590 Masterful Geek

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    Yea that was one of my favorite tuts in the book. It also says how to brand Internet Explorer. But if you want to know any more you're going to have to buy the book, I don't want to destroy this dude's lifestyle. You can get it at Barnes and Noble.

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