BSOD and loop reboot

Discussion in 'General Hardware' started by geekygirl, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. geekygirl

    geekygirl Geek Trainee

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    Have a hardware issue I am sure as I get the BSOD and a reloop boot. The screen is too fast to read so I don't know what the error is. Can't get the laptop to boot in safe mode. Have run a diagnostic on the machine with PCcheck, everything is fine except it says there is no PCI bus installed on the machine! I also get a vague PCI error when I tried to boot from a boot CD. The bios is sooo vague on this machine it basically tells you nothing. Basically just time and boot order and that's about it!

    I don't know much about hardware but I am assuming you do need a PCI bus for a computer to run properly? It is a Toshiba laptop, only about a year and a half old. Question is whether a system reinstall would correct this or is this definitely a hardware issue? I haven't installed anything recently, it just crashed.

    Thanks for your help
  2. thomas234

    thomas234 Big Geek

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    I would try booting a Linux Live CD, maybe DSL (Damn Small Linux) from a CD, and see if that boots error free. If it doesn't, try another Linux just to be sure (Ubuntu?). If neither of these boot, then it would suggest a hardware fault. If they do, it would suggest a fault with Windows. The fact that you can't get into Windows using safe mode is worrying, and to me would suggest a hardware fault.

    I'm not sure what a PCI bus is or does, so I can't say if it's necessary or not!

  3. geekygirl

    geekygirl Geek Trainee

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    I can boot with Knoppix and it boots fine. It does give me a PCI error when I boot with it tho when it is going through the loading menu.

    The PCI bus on my pc according to device manager seems to have everything on the machine attached to it!
  4. manic49er

    manic49er Geek Trainee

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    On a desktop PC your -

    Video card (tho not newer ones (AGP era and up))
    Audio card
    Com Ports (serial)
    Parallel Ports

    all plug into the PCI bus' connectors, I assume Laptops are similar but are probably hard wired to dedicated connectors on laptops motherboard. so if PCI Bus pcboard traces or chips or controllers go bad could cause some problems but not necessarily killer ones.


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