C++ Builder and USB<->RS232

Discussion in 'General Software' started by halfin, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. halfin

    halfin Geek Trainee

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    I am trying to make an application with C++Builder which communicates with a PIC16F877A which has a RS232 interface. Unfortunately my computer only has USB ports so I have bought a USB to RS232 converter cable.

    Well I am a complete beginner to C++ Builder so really at this point I don't even know it will be possible to do this... Any help and advice would be really appreciated.​
  2. edijs

    edijs Programmer

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    Well if there are primitives and/or libraries for sending commands to a LPT prot, then you should be fine. Blunt data sending should be enough. Try to do copy a plaintext file directly to the LPT port (usb prot) via Command line and see what happens. In worst case you should be able to create a bat file that you run from your C++ app.

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