CFP MSA compatible PHY with MDIO

Discussion in 'General Software' started by halfin, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. halfin

    halfin Geek Trainee

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    Hi, we are looking for best solution to configure CFP MSA compatible PHY with MDIO interface. The best would be to have some USB to MDIO adapter with LabView support.
  2. RickK

    RickK Geek Trainee

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    Try SUB-20
    It has 2 MDIO channels. One is CFP compatible running at 1.2V with 4MHz MDC frequency.
    SUB-20 has integration modules for LabView. Low price, good support, reliability. What else?
    We use SUB-20 as I2C master as well and also via LabView module.

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