COD4 server

Discussion in 'Video Gaming' started by ShrimpBrime, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. ShrimpBrime

    ShrimpBrime Geek Trainee

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    Hey every one!
    I decided to change our HL2DM server into a COD4 server and I would like to welcome any body to play in our server.
    We just want to populate it. We are not exactly looking for recruits as of yet.
    It will remain public until we get a steady crowd. [B-B] TDM Arena

    Thanks for comming in and checking it out!
    It is a Chicago T3 lined server so lagg shouldn't be an issue.
    See you in the battle field!!:D
  2. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    i'll have to check that out, for sure.
  3. sabashuali

    sabashuali Ani Ma'amin

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    I will put my son your way to kick some serious tush!
    How the :swear: do they do this????
    I swear the boy has fourteen fingers on his left hand and five eyes in his forehead!!!!! Bloody Hell!!!

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