? What to type. whats it mean.

Discussion in 'Windows OS's' started by davidf, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. davidf

    davidf Geek Trainee

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    I am a disabled father trying to fix my kids old p.c. When I turn it on I get While initiating device vk An internal stack overflow has caused this session to be halted. Change the stack settings in your con7i*:sys file, and then try again. And sometimes I get this. The following file is missing or corrupted: Type the name of the command Interpreter (e.g.,C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM) What does this mean and can it be fixed? Please help.
    [email protected]
  2. max12590

    max12590 Masterful Geek

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    Don't do this until you get a second opinion, but I thonk you may need to reformat and reinstall Windows.
  3. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    COMMAND.COM = MS-DOS command set/prompt. Suffice to say, it's a vital part of a Win9x operating system.

    1) Visit
    2) Download the Windows 98 (or 95/ME depending on your version) start-up disk, and copy it to a floppy
    3) Boot the computer, and it should automatically load the floppy start up files. If it doesn't, then you have to change settings in the BIOS (if you don't know how, just ask)
    4) Click disable CD-ROM access as you don't need it.
    5) You should now be at the commmand prompt A\>.
    6) type 'copy c:\windows'

    If that doesn't work, I'd suspect your hard drive has failed/gone bad

    7) Type 'chkdsk /f' to scan and fix errors on the hard disk
  4. davidf

    davidf Geek Trainee

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    Mr Megamaced,
    Thank you for the reply, I dont know alot about p.c.s and I know this may sound dumb but is a start up cd the same as a boot cd and if so which one should I use? There is win.98 o.e.m., or win 98custom no ram drive., or win 98 s.e. o.e.m., or win 98 o.e.m. custom no ram drive? Thank you so much for your help. [email protected]

  5. davidf

    davidf Geek Trainee

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    Mr Megamaced,
    I run and tried to burn the cd win.98 se oem dont know if its the right one for mine or not, but when I try to burn it this is what I get The current image format is not supported by the disk drive. is there a way to copy it if it is the right one? Thanks again [email protected]
  6. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    1) Please click here and download this program
    2) Insert a blank floppy disk into your floppy drive
    3) Double-click on the file you just downloaded - let it copy it's contents onto the floppy disk
    4) Take out the floppy, and put it in the computer that won't boot.
    5) Turn on that computer, then follow steps 3 - 6 in my previous post
  7. davidf

    davidf Geek Trainee

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    I went to the site you requested and download to a disk, put it in and after about ten minutes the start menu came up giving me 7 choises to start up with but self selected safe mode, but will not do anything it says Warning Windows did not finish loading on the previous attempt. Choose safe mode, to start windows with a minium set of drivers....HIMEM is testing extended memory....done.When I hit the enter button I get nothing but keeps making hummming noises. Did I do this right? Thank you for your [email protected]
  8. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    I got the information on similar problem you have from google search....

    All DOS boot disks should contain the file COMMAND.COM or similar, because this file is REQUIRED. Without this file, DOS will not boot properly (i.e. not "boot disk"). If what you got is the floppy disk image (.IMG), then the file COMMAND.COM will probably inside this disk image (.IMG), *not* outside the disk image. In this case, you need to WRITE the floppy disk image (.IMG) to a floppy disk via a disk imager, such as WinImage. More information is available from this page:

    You can make the boot disk under DOS by typing MAKEBOOT directly.

    So the file is already there. To show the file A:\COMMAND.COM, just type one of the following commands:


    DIR A:\COMMAND.COM /A (if the file is hidden)
  9. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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  10. davidf

    davidf Geek Trainee

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    1) Visit
    2) Download the Windows 98 (or 95/ME depending on your version) start-up disk, and copy it to a floppy
    3) Boot the computer, and it should automatically load the floppy start up files. If it doesn't, then you have to change settings in the BIOS (if you don't know how, just ask)
    4) Click disable CD-ROM access as you don't need it.
    5) You should now be at the commmand prompt A\>.
    6) type 'copy c:\windows'

    If that doesn't work, I'd suspect your hard drive has failed/gone bad

    7) Type 'chkdsk /f' to scan and fix errors on the hard disk
    Megamaced, My p.c. still dont load the start up files can you tell me how to change the bios settings? Thanks again
  11. davidf

    davidf Geek Trainee

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    Megamaced, My p.c. still dont load the start up files can you tell me how to change the bios settings? Thanks again
  12. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    Boot your computer and keep tapping the delete key (you might have to tap F2 or F10). You should now be in the CMOS setup utility. Look for something similar to 'boot options', and make sure your floppy disk is at the top of the list. An example boot option list would look like this:

    Boot device 1: Floppy disk drive
    Boot device 2: Samsung DVD-ROM
    Boot device 3: Maxtor Hard Disk
  13. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    hi, the replys all seem well and good but i think your problem is: the win 98 partition is not set active, i would advise you to purchashe some partitioning software (preferably one that can create a bootable cd, install it on another pc, create the bootable cd) then change the BIOS to boot from cd, reboot, set the partition active, reboot, change BIOS setting back (to boot from hdd1 (harddisk 1)) now everything should be tickety boo dave xxx
  14. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    sorry but i ment to say, hdd0 (harddisk 0)

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