Competition - Signatures

Discussion in 'Graphics Design' started by ProcalX, Mar 4, 2005.

  1. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    As i never have time, and i don't have the software loaded, or available i'd like if possible someone to design me a signature:

    Something that the designer suits my image on the forums (so its upto you really) i'd like it so say obviously have my name on it :good: and have some text that just says: Folding On: 16.4GHz

    Simplistic, something thats quite small in height 50-80 Pixels and about 500-600 Width? & has "Simplistically Dangerous" or something..
  2. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    Can do :)

    I'm thinking tech-abstract, blues, whites and light purples...and some cyber tentacles to go with the "Dangerous" idea.
  3. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    Sounds good :good:
  4. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    I think that the animation looks crap so I did it without as well


    Let me know which one you want and any improvments, I'll do those then stick a border on it.
  5. Addis

    Addis The King

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    Both look good. You gonna do a tutorial on flash?
  6. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Wow, really impressive Waffle but I might suggest going with the bottom as ProcalX could end up changing his status to something other than "Reputation Whore". Although it would be sort of cool to have two status' I guess, or he could just make/have someone (you) make another. His call though.
  7. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    nice waffle, could you remove the folding bit
  8. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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  9. pandaking

    pandaking Geek Trainee

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    I know this is a little old but thats really good. Waffles: How did you get that amazing backgound effect on yours? I am just learning how to use photoshop and i love your sig! Also, what font is that?

    EDIT: just seen the evolution of your sig page. Will be awaiting the n00b guide :D

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