Complex ICS in XP

Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by Thunderfm, Mar 27, 2006.

  1. Thunderfm

    Thunderfm Geek Trainee

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    I have a home network system running on a wireless netgear system. I have a bluetooth dongle and a PS2 in a room with one of the client computers. Is there any way that I could route the Bluetooth and PS2 through the client computer to the shared internet connection at the router? It should kinda run like this -

    View attachment 993

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  2. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    Goto Control Panel, Open "Network Connections"..

    On the left hand side of the Network Connections window there is a list of links, click "Set Up A Home or Small Office Network" go through the simple steps as it says, towards the end it should give you the option to allow other users to connect through this conneciton (ie your wireless), this would allow your devices to have internet connectivity.

    I'm unsure as to wireless, but if your Windows XP Client was connected to your Wireless Router via a Ethernet Wired connection you would definately be able to get your Bluetooth Dongle and PS2 connected to the internet (right click on the ethernet conneciton, properties >> Advanced > make sure "allow other network users to connect through this computers internet connection" (and using the "Setup a home of small office network" option you state to Windows that your internet connection is the Ethernet..

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