Computer DVR Setup

Discussion in 'Video Cards, Displays and TV Tuners' started by timothy2181, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. timothy2181

    timothy2181 Geek Trainee

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    Hey, first post here.

    I am looking to buy a TV tuner card for an extra computer tower I have. I wanted advice on what I am doing.

    1. I have a generic, 3 year old MB + CPU. Does it matter that these components are old if the sole purpose of this computer will be to be a DVR? The card interface is PCI, and I have an available PCI port on the motherboard.

    2. Do I need to buy anything besides cable service and the TV tuner card?

    3. How does the interface with a tv tuner card work? Do I have to figure out the exact times I want recording to go, or can I somehow setup automatic recording based on a show's title?

    4. I plan to set this computer up, and forget it. I plan on accessing the shows by another computer that will be part of the same network. Should I run into any trouble doing this?

    5. Can I record shows at a higher resolution than the DVR computer can display? I will obviously only view them on my main computer that has the ability to display 1080p.

    Thanks for your help, and any additional tips you can give are much appreciated!
  2. violetblueskies

    violetblueskies Big Geek

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