computer only boots into bios!

Discussion in 'General Hardware' started by tetris, May 28, 2006.

  1. tetris

    tetris Geek Trainee

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    right i wonder if any one can help me? my friend had trouble with her computer which would only boot into bios. the hard drive wasn`t firing so we put it down to a new hard drive as when that was taken out and put into my machine windows won`t read it . a new hard drive was bought and instaleed and it booted fine windows was installed updates etc and was running fine. i took it back to her and she fired it up a few times no problem other than she had to turn the res down as my computer had a bigger and higer res screen.yesterday morning she boots it up and it goes straight into the bios again and she cant get into windows it just keeps going into the bios. i haven`t had chace to go and look yet but has anyone got any ideas why this has happened again. last time the hard drive was shown in the bios. any help will be good as my brain can`t cope with this!!!:rolleyes:
  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    how old is your friends pc ?
    cos the BIOS battery may be dead
  3. tetris

    tetris Geek Trainee

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    its only just over a year old. its saving all setting when anything is in the bios
  4. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    right, is her pc using onboard graphics ?
    is your pc running XP ?
  5. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    Try checking that HDD in your computer again because it can fails again.
  6. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    i've had this issue on an old machine and it was the ram, one was just bad and the other was full on dust so the contact wasn't so good anyways try a new stick of ram if thats possible

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