Connecting my two computers

Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by Nimesh, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. Nimesh

    Nimesh Geek Trainee

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    I have two computers at home and i want to share the internet connection between the two computers. It seems to share an internet connection i need a router. I am saving up to buy a new 3D card, so i was wondering if i could just use a Ethernet cable between the two computers and share the internet.

    I already have Ethernet adapters on both my computers , and i use a DSL modem to connect to the internet. (i have Vista business on 1 computer) (and Windows Xp SP3 on the other one)
    Thanks in advance and sorry if this question was already answered (I did search the forums, but i wasn't able to find an answer.) thanks, again.
  2. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    Hi Nimesh,

    You can share the internet between the two using internet connection sharing (ICS) in Windows. Still, it is not exactly an optimal arrangement, since:
    • you will essentially be using Windows as a router and firewall ... ick
    • both PCs must be on if you want to surf from the one that's not directly connected
    • security problems on either one machine become security problems on both
    • ICS is not very reliable

    If you have an outdated PC lying around, you can convert it into a powerful firewall/router using free and open source software like IPCop or m0n0wall. My firewall is an old Dell Optiplex my company was throwing out, with pfSense 1.2.1 on it. It's even got sweet features like multi-WAN load balancing, so I can connect out through my ADSL and Cable connections simultaneously.

    Or, you could pick up a cheap router such as WRT-54GL for < $50 and flash it with open-source DD-WRT to make a cheap and relatively powerful firewall. It would cost a bit to implement, but not a bad solution if you don't want to use a whole PC.
  3. Katin

    Katin Geek Trainee

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    Hi there, is there anyone that can give me instructions or some kind of tutorial on how to connect two laptops via wireless ´cause i wanna use internet in both and also i have only one printer.
    thanks for your help

    my respects to all of you

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