Counter Strike source problem

Discussion in 'Video Gaming' started by Thunderfm, Jun 19, 2005.

  1. Thunderfm

    Thunderfm Geek Trainee

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    I cannot run more than 5 bots on my own servers at any time without the frame rate going down to mabe 3-5 fps. At 5 bots its fine running happily up to mabe 35 fps with a minimum of 20fps. I am running the graphics at lowest levels but its still doesnt run smoothly with more than 5 bots. How can I speed it up? Is it a graphics card problem as I am only running 128Mb on AGP 4x?

    Please help.

  2. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    What CPU do you have?

    Calculating the AI of the bots is quite a CPU intensive task, as well as rendering the models/physics etc.

    I can run about 20 bots on my own server with no lag, but I am running a 64bit processor @ 2.2ghz, which definitely helps.
  3. Thunderfm

    Thunderfm Geek Trainee

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    Ive only got a 1.5Ghz so that cud be a problem. Ive started to play more online so the AI isnt such a problem now. Im in the market for some major upgrades so the cpu and motherboard are primary focus.

  4. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Ram helps too, I have to tone things down in HL2 anyway too and I'm blaming it on my 512MB's or ram as otherwise my specs are good. Bumping it up to a gig should probably make a big difference.
  5. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    yeh 1.5 is the problem, im 64/2.2ghz and so theres a hell of a lot of processing power there, which unfortunately a 1.5 can't really cut, particularly if its a barton.

    stick with online, or only a few bots.

    and ex is right, more ram would help as well.
  6. Thunderfm

    Thunderfm Geek Trainee

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    Ive got 1.256 Gb and i think thats pulling its weight but yer a nice 2.8GHz athlon xp would be nice. thats what im looking at.
  7. ninja fetus

    ninja fetus I'm a thugged out gangsta

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    I wouldn't spend too much money getting the hl2 to run properly. A new CPU and atleast 768mb ram if you'll be running bots. I don't know why people are running beastly rigs for hl2...Maybe try some new bots?

    I can run CS:Source on highest settings, AA-full AF-full, at 1024 on a server with 16 people and never hit below 40FPS. I'm running a 2.12ghz athlon XP, 512mb ram, 9600XT ultra right now. Maybe there's some magic I pulled and unleashed fury upon the hl2 engine.
  8. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    That's amazing, maybe source is a little easier on the rig somehow, it wouldn't make any sense but I can't even turn the texture quality on High in HL2 without it getting super laggy on my. Go figure.
  9. Thunderfm

    Thunderfm Geek Trainee

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    Thats the same problem im having. Im running lowest graphics settings and it still doesnt like any more than 5 bots at a time.
  10. zRoCkIsAdDiCtInG

    zRoCkIsAdDiCtInG HWF Guitar Freak

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    i would expect source to work, it works on all settings max on my dads 9600 around 30-40 frames, but yeah it might be the cpu considering he has a 3200+
  11. ninja fetus

    ninja fetus I'm a thugged out gangsta

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    hl2 is an extremely CPU intensive game. Video card doesn't matter much if your CPU is powerful enough.
  12. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Still, you'd think my 3000+ could handle it okay, I don't know why turning down the graphical settings would help so much if my CPU is slowing me down. I'm still betting it's the ram on my part anyway, plus I do have a nVidia card, though it still should perform better than a 9600, though my drivers are horribly out of date.
  13. zRoCkIsAdDiCtInG

    zRoCkIsAdDiCtInG HWF Guitar Freak

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    wait come to think of it, my friend with the 3000+ venice, hes getting the same problem, could there be a flaw in the 3k?

    in hl2 the game seems to lag once in a while, and yesterday we discovered what we thought to be some major artifacting, but it plays other games more demanding fine on the video card, its just the cpu then.

    are these the problems you guys are getting?
  14. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Must be, weird, HL2 is probaly more of a pentium game then.
  15. zRoCkIsAdDiCtInG

    zRoCkIsAdDiCtInG HWF Guitar Freak

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    i doubt it, it works fine on other athlons, could it have to do with the 3000+ specifically?

    oh yea btw my friends 3000+ is not a venice, but a winchester
  16. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Ah, just like mine, I feel cool. Yeah I doubt it has anything against Athlons myself too, but you never know, seems weird to just be faulty with the Winchester though.
  17. zRoCkIsAdDiCtInG

    zRoCkIsAdDiCtInG HWF Guitar Freak

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    yeah, but i doubt Amd did something wrong, could the game programming be off and not fully supportive?
  18. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Could be, though arent the multimedia instruction sets the same for the Winchesters and NewCastle cores or am I just out of it.
  19. zRoCkIsAdDiCtInG

    zRoCkIsAdDiCtInG HWF Guitar Freak

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    idk then im out with you haha

    im confused, and my head hurts now
  20. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    I'm running a 3000 winchester, and HL2/CSS flies. I've had 20 bot frag fests on dust 2, still sustaining at least 40FPS.

    I think its down to having 2 gigs of RAM more than anything else tbh. I've also tweaked the hell out of sources CFG, so I get more accuracy and frames than most.

    Try reinstalling the game, and using the latest drivers.

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