Crashes about 50% of the time in first 5 min of startup

Discussion in 'Windows OS's' started by KennyJC, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. KennyJC

    KennyJC Geek Trainee

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    When I boot up my system it will crash often in the first 5 minutes of Windows loading. If it goes 5 minutes without crashing, then it will be fine all day long until the next time I try to boot up.

    When it crashes, the monitor will mostly go into "power saving mode" and there's no way to get it back up. It's not doing this because I leave it idle, it happens when I'm in the middle of doing stuff, and so I just have to power it down. Safe mode doesn't help, it crashes in safe mode too.

    The strange thing is, this happens only periodically. It can go weeks or even months without doing this, but then it'll start up again and do it every day for a week or two.

    Windows Vista 64 bit
    4 gig ram
    NVIDIA GTX 260
    Q9300 Quad core
  2. HardwareHunter

    HardwareHunter Geek Trainee

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    Have you checked if some kind of virus is doing this? Do you hear loud noise when booting up?
  3. Ghostman 1

    Ghostman 1 Mega Geek

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    Is there any kind of errors at all ? does it seem to do it more when it is hot ? Have you opened up the case to see if all fans are working ?
  4. KennyJC

    KennyJC Geek Trainee

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    No viruses or spyware turn up in scans.. Fans all seem to be working.

    Sometimes I get a blue screen of death though and it says "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGE_AREA"
  5. gl1koz3

    gl1koz3 Geek Trainee

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    Hard to diagnose, but we can assume your hardware is the cause. PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGE_AREA means memory corruption, thus RAM is the most likely problem. The black screen means the driver unloads, but OS probably fails to show a proper BSOD due to corruption. You need pro help. Try reseating RAM or other devices. Try single RAM sticks in different slots, different power wires to video etc.

    Can't do much over forums than suggest a complete reinstall (maybe as a test on a different drive, just to make sure).

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