Cutting costs.

Discussion in 'New Build / Upgrade Advice' started by tddct89, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. tddct89

    tddct89 Geek Trainee

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    Hey everyone. I'm new to the forum and I plan on building my first gaming pc. I want to cut costs as much as possible (ex. running linux, android, or win8 consumer preview initially. Using old keyboard, mouse, hdtv/monitor, maybe a core i5 instead of the i7). I was just wondering if anyone had any tips for a first time builder. I have an old gateway nv53 notebook that I will use to get my pc up and running by using the 500 gig hdd (until i can afford an ssd), maybe use the 4 gigs of RAM (if possible). Any advice of which components I can use to get it up and running so I dont have to go a long time without a pc if I scrap my notebook would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    I will also be browsing the forum while I wait for responses. I read the rules but being a new user I hope I am not breaking any rules. If so I apologise in advance.
  2. Ghostman 1

    Ghostman 1 Mega Geek

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    I am not sure on what you want to do here, are you going to building a desktop or a laptop ? A desktop would be cheaper to build for gaming, if your looking at a laptop, then you will have to order one from the Manufacture ....
  3. tddct89

    tddct89 Geek Trainee

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    Im building a desktop. I cant buy all components at once though, which is why I want to try and use my older laptop components (RAM, HDD) as temporary components.
  4. Ghostman 1

    Ghostman 1 Mega Geek

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    You cannot use laptop parts in a desktop, the ram is different and the hard is allot smaller.. what you want to do is either start off by buying a Motherboard and cpu combo, or buy a bare bones kit.. not sure where you are at, but the best thing to do is allot of research first... No sense in buying the wrong thing or something you don't need or that wont fit...
  5. tddct89

    tddct89 Geek Trainee

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    I kinda figured the RAM would be unusable, especially considering thhe way the nv53 is built (integrated graphics card/motherboard) but I never thought the HDD would be no good. I assumed there was a way to use 2.5 inch hard drives in a desktop computer. Oh well, I guess I will just stick with my failing laptop for as long as possible and buy my desktop piece by piece. Any tips for buying a motherboard? I know in general more expensive is usually better, but I want to make sure I have a pc with usb 3.0 and atleast a core i5, and seeing motherboards range from $50-$300 all with great reviews is a little confusing.
  6. Ghostman 1

    Ghostman 1 Mega Geek

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    If you never built a computer before, I would start with something lite first, then work your way up to a gaming computer... I have built over 300 pc's now and you want to do allot of research first.. IF you are in the USA, there are allot of places where you can get some good deals on parts, If you just take the time to look.. A gaming computer is going to cost you more because of the ram and graphics card... I would recommend buying your Motherboard and cpu in a bundle..or combo deal.. First make a list of all the parts you are going to need, I usually start with Motherboard & Cpu and case...
  7. tddct89

    tddct89 Geek Trainee

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    Im in Canada. If I build a lower end pc that just ends up costing me more money and
    I end up with a pc that is very outdated in a year or 2. But I appreciate the advice, I will look into getting a a case, cpu, and maybe the power supply to start and work from there.
  8. Ghostman 1

    Ghostman 1 Mega Geek

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    Ok then, Start off with a Case / Motherboard and CPU / Then make sure you buy a GOOD Power Supply !!!!! Make sure it has a efficiency rating of
    80 % ... Then You will need a real GOOD Video Card... Next is your Ram, try to MAX out the Memory..

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