Delete/reformat partition XP with Dual boot

Discussion in 'Windows OS's' started by elvisPugsly, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. elvisPugsly

    elvisPugsly Geek Trainee

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    Hi all glad to be on this forum

    Unfortunatly this is my first post and hate to start out with this problem, but that is how I found this forum.

    My problem started with trying to dual boot windows 7 and xp on 300 gig HD. I tried easybcd and dualboot pro. Apprarently they worked and the problem is with my windows XP now 7 knocked it out and somewhere along the line xp got corrupted. It tries to boot then restarts, I tried everything and got the error message 0x000...7B (windows 7 is running stable however, just not xp)

    But that is just what I did before, I now wish to delete Xp Pro which is on D: (C Drive is 7) But 7 disk manger won't let me delete or reformat the XP partition, it sais something about files are on their to boot.

    So I guess my main question is, how do I just get rid of XP or the reformat the D: which has the XP pro operating system on it. I can't even boot off the install CD because when I put it in and it tries to copy the files (on the blue screen before you can see the repair, it erros when windows trys to start) then get the blue screen of death.

    My other questio is, if I can not delete that, how can I wipe everything out and just instal XP pro again? (if I can save 7 that would be great because it was orgingaly vista then got a free upgrade to 7 but would be problematic to get 7 back since it is just an upgrade disc from vista)

    Sorry if I don't make sense, I have been working on this for 4 days now and barely any sleep. I just need XP pro running again

    Thanks in Advanced
  2. piyush

    piyush Geek Trainee

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    are u still having this problem ??

    i had the same problem...i solved it ...its nt much...

    reason why i am asking is that if you've not already solved it, then i'll post the solution...

    let me know
  3. Ghostman 1

    Ghostman 1 Mega Geek

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    When dual booting XP and windows seven, you must install XP First, then windows 7..
    You will be using windows 7 boot loader.

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