I was messing with my computer, adding another hard drive, like i normally do. Then my computer starts to go crazy. First i get the not horrible NTLDR Missing error message, so I restart and get Disk Read Error Has Occurred. While restarting, sometimes the startup/POST screen doesn't even show on my monitors. I have hooked the hard drives up to another computer and was able to get to the windows login screen just fine. I have a P5N32-SLI Premium Motherboard Dual EVGA 8800 320mb GTS GPU's Q6600 CPU Zalman 600 Watt Thermaltake Bigwater Cooling Pioneer DVD Driver Corsair XMS Ram Dual Matched 4 Gigs Short of buying a new motherboard(which I expect I will have to do) is there anything I can try to narrow the problem down more or fix it? Any advice would be appreciated, I also have rewired and re-cased the entire computer once already, which did not help the problem. Also as a side note, i use two monitors, sometimes when i have something on both, one monitor will glitch and show artifacts or colors get all off. Occasionally a BSOD. For Example it freezes when i move Windows Media Player to other screens. Would this be a power or heat problem or something else?