Hi there, I have a Compaq CQ61-218TU with Windows Vista Home Basic preinstalled. My grandad found a few copies of XP Home (the full version used in dual booting or installing something from scratch) unused (who knows why) and gave me a copy. I'm trying to dual boot XP as I have some pretty awesome games that I simply can't use. However, I've been reading about how some new laptops don't support XP and don't have XP drivers and I'd really hate to go through it all to figure out it doesn't work. Is there any way to check whether it'll work? Also, I've heard that it won't automatically load Vista when started up unless you buy a program (that's not free). What happens if you don't get it? Does it automatically load XP or does it give you a choice? Thanks, Teri
Whether XP will work on your hardware depends on whether or not the manufacturers have produced windows XP drivers for it. As for dual booting, there are many free and open source applications out there that can act as your boot manager. I don't run windows so can't give you personal anecdotes, but a quick Google search should reveal at least a half dozen.
I don't know whether mine has XP drivers though D: how do I find out? Thanks for the dual booting thing. I was trying to do it all manual like. ALSO: As I have several COAs that aren't in use and my friend has a MacBook trying to install XP on Boot Camp.. will it work using one of those? Thanks
I guess some explanation is in order. Your hardware was packaged by a single OEM, usually a Tier 1 brand like Dell or HP. They might have customized some of the parts included, so if possible, get the drivers from them. In other words, since you have a Compaq branded laptop, check Compaq(now owned by HP)'s website. If not, you can find out who made each individual component that makes up your laptop as a whole and see if the component manufacturer provides drivers for XP. Not a problem. COA?
COA= Code of Authenticity. It has been removed from the OEM version of XP I have but it's stuck on the bottom of some old laptops that no longer work. I know about the drivers but I don't know where to find out whether I have the XP drivers. I'm guessing not however but the HP website only has very few drivers for XP for the laptop. HP's Driver Download site. However on the General XP Downgrade post on the website it's listed as "Moderate" but as I'm not downgrading, I'm dualbooting, I don't know whether I need them and if I do how to install them. My laptop doesn't have a floppy drive and tho it has eSATA I have nothing to go into it. ALSO: What happens if I dual boot Windows XP and one of the drivers is missing? Thanks EDIT: Sorry, it says it's Difficult, not Moderate. Just my luck.
Hi XP will have generic drivers for the quint essential hardware componenets such as display adapters in order to alllow you at least the very basic use. It will probably not have, on the installation disk, drivers for wired and wireless network, audio and others. So it is likely that upon boot into the new installation you will be able to use windows but the experience will be enhanced by installing the various drivers fron the HP site or in the case of the display - from the vendor's site. Windows Update will normally offer the next best thing or as good as. I found this page here from MS which may help you ascertain if your system or individual parts are XP certified.... Products Designed for Microsoft Windows - Windows Catalog, Windows Compatibility Center, and Windows Logo'd Product List