DVD RW not recognised in BIOS

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by Dev, Jan 13, 2012.

  1. Dev

    Dev Geek Trainee

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    Hi everyone, this is my first post on Hardwareforums. I hope I am at the right place.

    The problem I am facing is regarding my Sony DVD RW. I own a Compaq machine with the following config at present:
    OS: Windows XP Professional SP2
    CPU: Intel Pentium 4 524 3.06 GHz
    RAM: Total 1280 MB (2 sticks; 1024 MB, 256 MB )
    Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-8S661FXM-775
    BIOS: Award S/w international, v F7a
    HDD: Western Digital Caviar 250 GB
    OD: Sony DVD RW AD-7240
    Audio: Realtek AC'97

    It came with an IDE HD and an IDE CD RW. After some time I installed the SATA DVD RW in one of the two SATA ports. Everything was working fine and I could boot from my DVD RW. Recently my IDE HD went kaput. I replaced it with a SATA HD (WD Caviar). I had to reinstall the OS in the new HD. At that time also I could boot from my DVD RW. But last week when I tried to install Linux by booting from a live DVD, I couldn't. The BIOS is not showing the DVD RW although its working fine in Windows after booting. I have removed my IDE HD and CD RW. Please help me out.:confused:

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