Error Messages from DVD Player

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by xenu25, Aug 27, 2006.

  1. xenu25

    xenu25 Geek Trainee

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    New member needs some help please
    I built a system today comprising of P4 945, 3.4ghz Dual Core with 2 gig 677 DDR2 ram. WD Raptor 37 Gig Drive, Sapphire X1600 SVGA Pci Express. ASUS P5W DH Delux M/B.
    ite On DVD 16 Speed standard OEM Version All in an Antec P180 case.
    All well after Windows XP Home install. Unable to view any other CD without an error? Seems to come up with a weird message about a "read/write request was unable to be processed. Tried a different DVD player (Indentical model) from old system that works perfectly and it also gave the same message? Never seen this message before and am unable to install any drivers or S/W. PErhaps it needs a new clean install of XP?
    All S/W is original and not hookey copies. Suggestions please.
  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    any yellow exclamation marks in device manager ?
  3. xenu25

    xenu25 Geek Trainee

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    These are there because I am unable to install the M/B driver disk. Whic works fine in my old system and yet the same Cd will not work even when I connected up the oldDVD to the new motherboard. I wish I just gone out and bought a ready made Dell!.
    I am just about to remove the HD and try my old one and see if that works with this M/B
  4. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    lets just deal with one problem at once,
    to fix these just right click the device in device manager and select uninstall,

    have you set the device to Master or Slave,and is it connected to th Primary or Seconday IDE channel (if IDE)
  5. xenu25

    xenu25 Geek Trainee

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    Hi Donkey42

    Right clicking and removing driver makes no difference. Today I removed the WD Raptor 36gig SATA and fitted an ancient Seagate medalist 17gig drive. Installed XP and M/B driver disk and the Radian SVGA Drivers???? No Probelms at all.

    Reconnecting the Raptor drive and put the M/B driver disk and the DVD player then takes ages to spin up and spits out the error message

    "Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request wa completed"

    If I try to use XP explorer to Map the D: drive and load the setup program manually Isimply get a long dealy and the error message

    "The Application failed to initialize properly (0xc000006)"

    So the problem seems to be the Raptor drive in an ASUS P5W DH M/B on SATA 1 port. Which gets read as a third Master. The DVD is connected up to the Primary IDE port as a master. I have tried 4 drives connected up to the other IDE port the Primary Enhanced IDE port (the deluxe IDE Ultra ATA) however this port seems to be dead and I assume this is why I cannot see a secondary option in CMOS for IDE drives.

    I hope this helps in a solution as I am desperate. I have heard that is is not possible to install WD Raptor SATA and ASUS M/B and is known about. I don't believe this nonsense but experince with ASUS support beofre suggests they just ignore such problems. So it seems that I cannot install or use a Raptor drive with ASUS M/B I am now much £££££ out of pocket with a useless SATA drive
  6. harrack52

    harrack52 Supreme Geek

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    What I can suggest are those generic things: try every sata ports, bios update, newest sata drivers (press F6 even if Windows has drivers for your drive), check sata cable (I'm sure your board came with at least 2, maybe 4).

    Also, you could install Windows on your working drive with the raptor as a secondary one and then run Western's diagnostics on it and see if everything's in order.

    Western as the Asus A8N-E on their compatibility list, so that probably means that every raptor will work in every modern Asus board.

    I don't believe in such compatibility issues either btw, I've never read of such things and I'm pretty sure I've seen happy people with raptors and asus mobos in their systems, not to mention Western drives are one of the most reliable, if not the most reliable desktop hdd brand.

    If you still have problems, then testing the drive in a working system would be the other thing to do, and if that fails to, then rma the drive and get a new one.
  7. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    yeah, try HDD on all 4 SATA ports

    set DVD as master on the secondary IDE channel, and 17Gb seagate as master on primery IDE (if drive is IDE)

    there by eliminating SATA from the equation, also set boot order, to boot first from IDE0 (primery master) then install XP

    you may need to set secondary IDE controller to "auto" in BIOS (intagrated peripherals)
  8. xenu25

    xenu25 Geek Trainee

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    I am obliged to both posters I will try all advices and post results. I may RMA the drive but it will be hard to prove it is faulty as it does load and boot up and hence is fit for the purpose it was sold for. UK shops rarely take goods back if they can get out of it.
    I will also try using a different CD/DVD drive??
  9. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    when you take anything back, start by asking them if their aware "the sale of goods act 1979" it works like a charm, cos nobody knows what it is, do you ?

    you'll suddenly find them backing off and doing everything they can to prevent you from reporting them to the office of fair trading,

    i don't have a clue what "the sale of goods act 1979" says but just mentioning it turns the table on them, it's never failed me yet, i suppose i should find out what the act says one day
  10. harrack52

    harrack52 Supreme Geek

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    The idea here is to narrow it down to the culprit. That way, you know that no matter what they say/do, you're right and there's just no going around it.
  11. xenu25

    xenu25 Geek Trainee

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    Hi Donkey
    the place I got the M/B from ignores the Sales of goods act. The last time I only got a m/b upgrade after 2 hours of their support cretins being unable to make an ASUS P4c800 run at 3.2 instead of 2.8. handing over the Deluxe M/B version solved the problem. They were still moaning!

    Anyway I phoned ASUS USA and they after 1 hour on the phone listining to childish music a person answered and the bottom line is they had NO idea or suggestion. Thank God for FREE 0844 access numbers at least I phoned the USA for 1p a minute!

    I will call WD Europe tomorrow (0844 1p a min again) and ask their advice but it is becoming a pain. Oh for info you can only boot from the SATA 1 port.
    My next trick is to take another SATA drive and try it in the system. If that works OK then it has to be the drive. If the fault persists it has to be the MB and I will then take it to the shop and although they try to scare one with the £30 test fee if no fault found I can at least let them prove it is not faulty and I get the fix and the data for £30 and if they cannot fix then REFUND!!! New MB. It will NOT be an ASUS though that is for certain!
    cheers :)))))))))))))))))
  12. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    Go to OEM's websites and install them from there. Its easy and you will get all the latest drivers!
  13. xenu25

    xenu25 Geek Trainee

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    hi All
    Problem SOLVED. There were no drivers or firmware for any of the products. In fact support as it is so loosely is actually VERY poor indeed.
    All I did was connect an IDE drive to the primary IDE port and the system is fixed. So I have a WD Raptor SATA as c: a DVD player as D: A Raptor SATA 150gig as E: a MKAxtor 200Gig SATA as F: and a good old Maxtor 120Gig as F: and the bloody thing works perfectly. Remove the IDE and the DVD Rom goes nuts. So Tech Support at the shop I got the bits at were suprised! But no idea how.why this thing is the way it is. So be warned, in the future when IDE is no longer on a M/B but only SATA make sure the shop builds it for ya!
    LEt them have all this bloody grief, So thanks to all.

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