external hd issues

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by mrdodo, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. mrdodo

    mrdodo Geek Trainee

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    external hard drive issues
    hey people wondering if u can help me with this ****ty problem
    i have a 1tb western digital caviar green externaly, like 4 days ago i realized that some folders were damaged (the could not acces H:/my pictures it may be damaged or something like that) but didnt cared alot, but the next day, when i turned on my hd nothing happened, windows makes the tilin! but nothing else, so went to devices and printers
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    recognized it as usb to ata bridge wtf?
    the went to disc managment to see if at least is detected
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    disc 1 unknown/not initialized?!
    well the initial problem may be that i don't remove it safetly because it never works, always says "could not remove blabla" so i turn it on and off direclty from the power button in the case, dunno if this may be the reason
    well please someone have any ideas?

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