Fibre Optic Network

Discussion in 'Networking and Computer Security' started by Azureus2, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. Azureus2

    Azureus2 Geek Trainee

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    Ok, just because im bored im trying to set up a PC - PC fibre network. And i'm trying to figure out what im going to need.

    My plan is to buy it all off ebay, so im trying to work out what i need and how i will do it. Am i correct in assuming you can connect 1 - 1, or do u need to go through a switch / server?

    Any help is welcome.

    Oh, i am only guessing, but fibre channel cards are for connecting to fibre channel hard drive's. You cant just connect 2 together and run a network between two PC's?

    Please don't ask "Why" As there is no reason why, i just want to PS im looking got base1000 speeds.

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