Between The Two; EA's FIFA and KONAMI's Pro Evolution Soccer, Which Would You Vote As The Best Soccer (Football As Most Of You Prefer Calling It) Game? Keep In Mind Of The Following: -Graphics (Realism, Atmosphere etc etc) -Game Play (Dribbling, Passing, shooting, Cut Scene etc etc) -Features (Statistics, Points etc etc) -Controls (Support Analogue, Button Combos etc etc ) etc etc.. Let The Voting begin.
After playing FIFA 07 and Pro Evo 5, I'd have to go for FIFA. Playing Pro Evo seemed extremely frustrating, and sometimes unrealistic. It's certainly flawed in some ways.
I don't play football games, nor do I like them, but I have been selling these games for a good 2 years now, from FIFA 05 to Pro Evo 6 I've seen it all fly off the shelves. The mass opinion seems to be that Pro Evo is the better of the two games, the only major downfall is that they don't have the real player's names because FIFA holds the licence to them. But I can guarantee you that when FIFA comes out it flies off the shelves instantly. But when the latest Pro Evo comes out we get untold numbers of people bringing the FIFA game in to part-ex against Pro Evo. There's the opinion from a sales point of view.